Qps, Comp Usa

Education & Science

I purchased a Que Firewire PCI card from CompUsa in Greensboro, NC, the card worked for about three weeks. I returned it to CompUsa and they had a 14 day return polocy.

The card has a 1 year manufacturer return warranty. I have been unsuccessful trying to contact Que. Also, their website is no longer accessable

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Company: Qps, Comp Usa
Country: USA
Site: qps-inc.com
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Comp USA
Worthless warranty

SJ NAMO Interactive
NAMO Ghosts - Fail to Honor Return

Iolo Rebates #07-88951 And COMPUSA
1. Has not sent me one of the rebate 2. Took my order online and did not sent me the product

Comp USA
TAP Purchased an extended warranty for laptop with TAP Tampa Florida

Comp Usa
By Not honerning there 2 year TAP contract just hardware fail no software, needs work on comp oregon

Ripoff Illegal amount of time to pay non-manufacture yes that's a CompUSA rebate

Comp Usa
Would not replace defective mother board

Class Action Law Suit against Comp-USA

Won't honor their warranty

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