Carleton Sheets
I thought they were a stand-up organization

Education & Science

First, a little background: I've been interested in Real Estate for some time and wanted to make some money doing this. I had purchased from Carleton Sheets before and have had no problem... UNTIL I attempted to return their latest offering.

So, with my interest, I purchased the No Down Payment Course from Carleton online in May.

The next day I never received a single confirmation number (which they said would happen on the site) in email regarding receipt of my order. So, I called in. The individual who answered said that my order was lost and to re-enter the order. So I did. To my dismay, 48 hours later I get TWO confirmations for two orders, which I DID NOT ORDER. I placed another order under completely FALSE INFORMATION provided by an individual with idiocy that's equivalent to a two year old. If I would have known how my escapades in dealing with this hell of an organization would turn out over the next several months, I would not have bothered.

I called IMMEDIATELY to cancel both orders. Of course, you all should be familiar with this line: "Oh, I'm sorry. We cannot cancel the order. You have to wait to receive it because it has already shipped." I was LIVID, and no matter how nice I was to the rep, they would not refund my money and stop the shipment. Anyhow, the saga continues...

Here's what happens:

I finally get the packages and call to return both packages due to the incredibly bad service I received (well within the 30-day trial). I get two RMAs for both of them, and they're sending over two free shipping labels to return BOTH PACKAGES. So I wait. And wait. About two weeks go by and I don't get anything. So I call again. They said they will send them. I asked why wasn't this done the FIRST TIME?!?!!! All I got was an apology. Great. Swell.

So, I wait for two-three more weeks. Two and half more weeks later, I FINALLY GET ONE STINKING SHIPPING LABEL. I was pissed. I let it go, thinking the other one is on its way. It never came. So July rolls around and I finally have to send them back and have to pay shipping for the stupid package that they never sent the SECOND shipping label on that they promised.

Here's where it gets interesting:

In August, I finally get two letters in the mail. Yay, it's my refund. But WAIT, no IT ISN'T! There are TWO LETTERS of DENIAL for the REFUND. Why? Because apparently I didn't send them back within 45 days. FORTY FIVE DAYS!!! And, BY THE WAY, Carleton Sheets EXPLICITLY states during his DVDs that you can return the package AFTER the 30 days. The LETTER I received WITH THE SHIPPING LABEL states (and I quote): "You may return the materials within a reasonable time frame." BTW, I sent the materials back the DAY I GOT the shipping label. No where did it EVER SAY a LIMIT as to WHEN you can return them. That does not apply here as I sent them back on time according to what EVERYONE I spoke to at the company told me. AND I CALLED TO RETURN them half-way through the 30-day TRIAL PERIOD.

I was EXTREMELY livid. First of all, the company drags me through a couple of months of FRAUD for lying to me about the second mysterious return label (which NEVER came), and then they deny my refund when I finally return them. I had to finally call and YELL at a poor customer service rep who was able to get the refund on ONE OF THE PACKAGES. I'm still attempting to obtain the OTHER refund that I am entitled to due to the FRAUD committed by this company. And, keep in mind - during ALL OF MY DISCUSSIONS with the company not a SINGLE PERSON gave me information regarding a deadline for returning the packages - so I waited for the shipping label.

If I had known about it, I would have simply paid for the shipping just for the packages to arrive on time. Not wait an extra MONTH to get a stinking shipping label.

I had never had such piss-poor service from a company before. I learned my lesson. I am now pursuing a LEGIT real estate sales career (where I can actually make money) and I will be making SURE that people know about the fraud that has been committed by this company.

Denver, Colorado

Company: Carleton Sheets
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Burr Ridge
Phone: 8005691203
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