Easton Consullting Group
Preying on the vulnerability of the disabled, offering false hope of help so deserately needed, taking my money, refusing to honor thier claim or refund the $349 they were paid. Ripoff!

Education & Science

I recieved a post card from Easton Consulting Group stating I had been identified as a possible recipient of a government grant of at least $5000. I am disabled with Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy, I live on a small SSDI check and barely get by. I called the number to check it out and I was told they "had already established according to your income tax records that you do meet the qualifications to recieve the grant money or we would not have called you".

The operator identified herself as a "grant specialist" and gauranteed that if I did not get a grant of at least $5000, their $349 fee would be promptly refunded. I made it plain that I am disabled and barely survive on a small SSDI check. I cannot afford to spend a third of my monthly income on recieving nothing.

Having been offered false hope of help I desperately needed, I agreed even though I was a little afraid of it being a scam. They took my payment and did not honor their claims and refuse to refund the money.

Preying on the vulnerability of the disabled and others in need is an unconscionable act that must be exposed.

Monroe, Louisiana

Company: Easton Consullting Group
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 1320 State Route 9
Phone: 8009354591
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