Nss Aka National Subscription Service
Nss magazines aka national subscription service they bill your account for free magazines without any warning or notice newburgh

Education & Science

I was offered a free subscription to Soap Opera Digest for a year through mailbits.com back in Aug.'01 so I signed up for it and they said they would send me a bill to opt out if I wanted to renew or cancel.

My subscription isn't over till October'02 and then on 6-3-02 I get a notice from my bank that I have a check returned (my rent check. Thank god for BankOne they paid it and sent me a notice but charge me the NSF charge). I called my bank after getting my statement and seeing this charge on 6-3 for Nss*soapoperadg#Nw1H 800-205-919CT 69.95.

I have been going crazy wondering why my check had been returned because I knew that I had the money and I couldn't find what this charge was but after getting my statement there it was big as day. I couldn't call the number because it left the last diget off so I start calling that number and adding 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9 they all go to an answering service for different people and the operator dosn't know who they work for.

I then call my bank and told them what had happened and they gave me the # they had it was to a stupid computer that would only tell me what magazine it was. I then called Soap Opera Digest and the lady there told me about NSS and said they didn't have anything to do with this. I ask her why they would do business with a company that would fraud their customers, and she said that the company sells the subcriptions and orders them.

I found this web site and after several hours on the phone trying to talk to a person and not a computer I had come to the conclusion that I would have to cancel my card and get a new one which would cause me even more hardship. I signed on the internet again and found this site and found a phone number to this fraudlent business and called them and told them to refund my money in 48hours and that I was filling fraud charges on them.

The person I talked with said it would take 72 hours and refused to refund any charges to my bank account she also claimed that they had mailed me a post card in May giving me a choice to opt out. I informed her that they didn't mail me anything and ask her what address they had this was after I had already given her my address at the first of the phone call and she told me she couldn't give me that information over the phone.

I gave her my address and she said yes that was the address they had. I told her that I was calling the attorney general and filling a fraud complaint and I wanted them to remove any and all information about me from their database and not to give or sell it to anyone else or I would sue them.

I also want to say that Mailbits.com is an awful site they will send out so much spam in so many different names and they will sell your e-mail address to everyone.

DO NOT ORDER MAGAZINES OR ACCEPT FREE MAGAZINES FROM ANYONE this is the lesson that I have learned also SHAME ON YOU SOAP OPERA DIGEST for knowing about this problem and not protecting your customers I will never order another magazine from you as long as I live and I will tell everyone I know about all of these companys... THANK GOD FOR BANK ONE they are the best.

fort worth, texas

Company: Nss Aka National Subscription Service
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: P.O. BOX 670
Phone: 8009279578
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