Universal Processing Services
Universal Processing Service announced in El Nuevo Dia newspaper from Puerto Rico is a completely fraud

Education & Science

Company was announced in El Nuevo Dia newspaper from Puerto Rico. It seems a good business opportunity because I am a college student and although I work, much of the time money don't reach for all my studies expenses. I searched the company's home page and It seemed to be a serious business, I payed the requested amount with my credit card as per they instructions. I remember that I made such a sacrifice because it was the only "money" I had to pass the week. One month after, I still waiting for the package they were going to send me. I looked for more information in the web regarding this company and thanks to this web page I realized that it was only a fraud. I am very disapointed with this because i don't know who can give me money back. This people are unescrupulous who enjoy to take advantage of hard-working people who only wants economical freedom, DONT EVER TRUST THEM, DONT EVER LET THEM TAKE YOUR MONEY, DONT EVER LET THEM ENTER IN YOUR LIFE!!!

San Juan
Puerto Rico

Company: Universal Processing Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 3058273881
Site: onlineupsinc.com
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