Stratford Career Institute
Ripoff make you think your getting some thing when you not degrees are fony

Education & Science

I enrolled in Stratford Career Institute for Real Estate
Appraiser. I finish all but two test and decided to call the Real Estate State board to see what i had to do when i finish my course.

The lady asked me what school am I attending told her Stratford and she told me that they aren't a credited school. I called the school and talked to one of there instructor.

I asked about the course being credited and all she had to say was that it said that on your enrollment agreement. We read the paper up and down and it never said that it wasn't an non-credit cousre which all there course said to be non-credit course.

I spoked to a head man and he pretty much said the same thing. I told "so what people just like to spend $600.00 dollars just to learn about something". He realy couldn't say anything after that but, i still had to pay the rest of the amount. All in all i wasted 6 months of my time that was very vauable to me. Please do not do business with them usless you want to waste your money.

Company: Stratford Career Institute
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlin
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Stratford Career Institute
Ripoff St. Albans Washington DC

Stratford Career Institute
Paid them $585.00 for high school diploma and now my college won't accept it because the school is not credited

Stratford Career Institute
Something inside of me kept me from signing with Stratford Career Institute!

Stratford Career Institute
Theives who steal fom people trying to better their life

Stratford Career Institute I think that Straford Career Intitute is a good help toward toward a Career, but. Saint Albans, Vermont

Stratford Career Institute
Poor service

Stratford Career Institute
Unaccredited, photocopied crap!

Stratford Career Institute
This company is a non-accredited diploma mill that is costing my wife her college education

Stratford Career Institute
Has not helped me since i got my highschool diploma! Internet

Stratford Career Institute
SCI SCI is a total ripoff. They charged me 585.00 for a worthless piece of paper