West Coast Wellness, WIN
Ripoff - BEWARE, they only want your money. Don't let their phony interest in you make you write a check, do your homework before you join. Northern

Education & Science

These people will invite you to a "business overview" where they make you believe that you are buying a business. What you are really doing is padding the speakers wallet, getting hugely over priced vitamins and skin care products, then they leave you hanging.

They claim to have training centers all over the Bay Area, they don't. They hold meetings at hotels, gyms, etc. You will have to drive, unless you live in San Jose, many hours every week to attend their one hour pep rallies.

These people will make you feel like they genuinely care about your success, until you write a check for anywhere from $5,000-$30,000, then you're on your own. Unless you want to pay to attend their "university" in Dallas, pay for your airfare, meals and all accommodations.

Every time you turn around they have their hand out. These people will bleed you dry and you won't make a dime. It's MLM with only a handful of people, at the top, making money.

Company: West Coast Wellness, WIN
Country: USA
State: California
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West Coast Wellness, Wellness International Network
A Classic MLM Ripoff


Liberty League International

Dean Graziosi aka insiders financial
Consumer Report

Career Ed / McIntosh College
Career Ed / McIntosh College Bad Business Practices, High Turnover, Unqualified People

Canadian Smile Clinics
Osama ebid, hosam ebid They are the rudest most bootleg franchiser around, they will rip you off, BEWARE Mississauga

World Financial Group

MD Everywhere
Be ware before working for this company

Russ Whitney
Don't be fooled by these CONS

Advocare is a rip off with bad products