KACW Investments

Education & Science

I agree with all of you. I tried to lease purchase a house in Ga. And sent 2500.00 to Helen Pearce, not KACW Investments, which I though was very strange. I ask all kinds of questions about who owned the house etc. She said she didn't but here business partner did. I then asked for authorization from the owner for her to do business for her. She did send an un-notorized note with someone's signature.

I decided maybe I had made a great mistake, so since my personal house still had not sold I called Helen and told her I couln't purchase her home and asked for my money back. She said no that she her business partner told her no, they had upheld their end of the deal.

So here I am out 2500.00 and no idea what to do next. So stay away from this company. I am doing what I can to keep her from scamming someone else.

Company: KACW Investments
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Site: kacw@aol.com
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In Faith Properties
KACW Investments, Way Home Investments, Helen Joanne Pearce ripoff with new name

KACW Investments Inc Or Helen Pearce
KACW Investments Or Helen Pearce Stole our money in a lease option to buy scam. House was foreclosed and sold at auction out from under us

KACW Investments Of IN Faith Properities
Lease to own scam and bad business practices

KACW Investments, Helen Joanne Pearce
Scam Artists, Crooks, Liars

Kacw Investments
Joanne Pearce kacw investments joanne pearce ripping off 2 fams at once

Kacw Investments

Way Home Investments
KACW ripoff

KACW Investments
Real Estate ripoff

KACW Investments

Helen Pearce, KACW Investments
Helen Pearce, KACW She lease, optioned my property, immediately lease, optioned it to someone else, never paid the option fee or first month's rent, and kept the new tenants rent and deposit that had been paid to her. Ripoff