Freedom Marketing, PC Enterprises

Education & Science

I was looking into stuffing envelopes from home and found this website for Freedom Marketing which is PC Enterprises and charged 29.95 to my credit card through my bank account on 03-22 and sent many e-mails to them thru there website and never ever recieved a reply back and never recieved a phone call and never recieved the kit in the mail and I even sent a extra 5.00 for there speed process and still haven't recieved anything from them. When I tried to call the number it says that the code was not entered right or something like that and when my Fiancee drove by the location there is no such thing. Which he drives a truck for a living and drives thru there on a Daily basis and still hasn't found the Address and that. I would like to say that People shouldn't be-able to advertise there business onless it's checked out by the Government and that there is certficate to show that there is such a business and they should show there address and phone number and all there information on the site when someone looks at it they can call and investigate the site and business before they make there decission cause it's getting really bad that there is more scams on the internet and in the world than what needs to be and there should be some type of service and law that should come with that before they can place there info on the internet. Like there should be a background check of the business by someone that is certified in that area and when they pay the site to advertise there should be someone out there that gives them like a month to investigate the business before it gets published cause to many people are getting hurt thru this internet than should be and something needs to be done fast before someone seriously gets hurt and looses everything that, that person has. Well that is all that I have to say about this situation. I believe that someone needs to find these people or person that is doing this and hang them for there crime and I don't mean jail time I mean really hang them cause there hurting way to many people if they can lie to get money from people then what else can they do why not stop it now and hang them for there crime. Well that is all bye.

Company: Freedom Marketing, PC Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 28 E. Jackson BLDG #10-F441
Phone: 8653004317
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Freedom Marketing
Take your money and uses your personal info fraudulently!

PC Enterprises - Peyton Enterprises - Global Mail Marketing - Freedom Marketing

PC Enterprises / Peyton Enterprises / Global Mail Marketing
Work from home RIPOFF

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing took my money no envelopes

Freedom Marketing Aka PC Enterprises
Rip off, scam, takes your money and uses your personal info fraudently

Freedom Marketing
Advertised stuffing envelopes and charged a fee of $24.95. Work from home rip-off scam!

PC Enterprises
They took my money, cannot contact them, will not answer my e-mails ripoff Tennessee

Freedom Marketing, PC ENTERPRISES
Stuff envelopes at home fraud they are liars and thieves

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff Internet

Freedom Marketing - PC Enterprises
Ripped me off, stole my money ripoff