Roadside Plus
$21.95 charges to my account ripoff

Education & Science

I first noticed an automatic withdrawal for $21.95 from my checking account, so I called the 866 # and spoke to a VERY rude woman, telling me that I had signed up for a free 7-day trial for Roadside Plus. I don't purchase anything on the internet so that got me thinking.

I asked her to cancel it immediately, and asked if there was anyone I could talk to about reversing the charges, since I had never heard of the company, nor had I ever recieved any correspondence from them reguarding any account I had with them, and she very rudely told me that there was "no one else there who was going to tell me any different, and the charges could not be reversed" so I asked her if they had any contract or proof that I had given them permission to debit my account and she said no. So I called my credit union.

After further investigation, I found a checking withdrawl for a check # that doesn't even exist in my check book. And the charges were from the same company. I then got online and googled the company, and found that I wasn't alone. There were other people who had the same exact situation. My credit union is sending me a fraud packet to fill out so we will see what happens.

Vancouver, Washington

Company: Roadside Plus
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Plattsburgh
Address: 344 Cornelia Street
Phone: 8663218235
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