Ameriquest Mortgage Company, AMC - BBB
Ameriquest Mortgage Company AMC Ameriquest, aka AMC, rapes their customers & bleeds them dry - BBB Better Business Bureau FRAUD with Ameriquest corruption and lies by the BBB

Education & Science

I filed a Better Business Bureau online complaint in February. I have just had to file a rebuttle due to the response from Ameriquest that stated "The company states they regret that you are dissatisfied with the terms of the loan and handling. However, their investigation has failed to find any support for the customer's position. The company has closed their files." I responded to this email to question what kind of support for my position was needed? I have an entire box full of documents that supports my position. I asked why is it that if the company says the customer is dissatisfied and they regret this dissatisfaction, why the case would be closed with no further investigation? I asked about my rights as a customer. I further stated that this company has been getting away with fraudulent activities for a long time. What does it take for a customer to receive the same rights as the company?

I asked them to view this website to read the hundreds of stories from dissatisfied customers like myself. I questioned what it would take to get this company investigated.

I received an email this evening that my complaint had been reopened so I could file a rebuttal which I did.

What I found to be amazing is that there are only 62 complaints that have been filed against Ameriquest in the last 36 months! Why are there not more? There are hundreds of postings on this website alone regarding the fraudulent practices, disrespect of their customers along with a lot more complaints. This company is rated AA when they should be rated FF!

It also states that no question about the truth of this company's advertising has come to the BBB's attention. Oh, hell no, I didn't just read that. What a crock that is! They advertise they work with their customers, even in times of hardship. They say they have a "program" to aid customers. There is NO such program. If this isn't false advertising, I don't know what is!

Please, please file a complaint through the BBB. Their company report also states that they gave proper consideration to complaints presented by the Bureau. How untrue is this? They see a complaint and immediately close the file.

If more individuals that have been screwed by this company don't fight back, they will just continue to reel in more unsuspecting people and pocket more stolen money!

It doesn't take that long to file a complaint. We all need to make that low number of 62 a lot higher. This company has well deserved a crappy BBB score. And when you receive a response that your file has been closed, you know they will come back with their same old tired response of not finding anything they did wrong (yea right), don't let this poor excuse of a company get away with it.

To all customers who have been wronged - I know exactly what you have had to put up with and it's time to quit letting companies such as this get away with stealing every cent they can and taking the homes of hard working people. I have never experienced such evilness and deception from a company and I most certainly will not again. This was a lesson learned the hard way for sure as I know it has been for many. So this is a huge company... So what? The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Take care.

Alabaster, Alabama

Company: Ameriquest Mortgage Company, AMC - BBB
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: P.O. Box 11000
Phone: 8004305262
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