University Of Phoenix Online
They pass plagiarized works... Plus I suspect the "Learning Teams" are fake

Education & Science

Hello My Fellow Ripped Off Former UOP Students, and a big Howdy to the employees and former employees of this new age telemarketing scheme that is UOP Online!

Greetings aside, I would like to share with each of you the following paper, then links to... The paper (well, the sources that became the paper anyway, through "copy and paste"). My review of the paper was controversial and posted here previously, but that was merely the rough draft... This is the final paper... And I am more than certain that the plagiarists WERE INDEED PASSED... Now, how reputable is a college that allows plagiarist to continue their education? Don't colleges that receive federal associations have SOME rules and regulations they are supposed to adhere to in order to continue such associations? Questions aside, please read The Grammar School Of Phoenix's idea of a passing, yet plagiarized work of intellectualism... The paper... Names were altered to protect the morons that wrote and copied and pasted this fine manuscript... Take note of HOW MUCH of this paper is simply exact quotes!!! Anda heeere weee gooo...

Alternate Fuel Vehicles for
Lotus Rental Car
University of Phoenix Students

Presentation is to the Board of Directors, and the CEO, of Lotus Rental Cars. The presentation will be on the feasibility of adding alternative fuel to the rental fleet. During the presentation, pros and cons will be discussed and presented, along with tax incentives that the US Government has provided to companies willing to use alterative fuels.

Thesis Statement
Fossil fuels are being consumed more rapidly than the earth can reproduce them, causing the price of gasoline to constantly increase. Expense is not the only shortcoming of petroleum products; they are also detrimental to the environment. Lotus Rental Car is in a position to make an impact in terms of the environment and their bottom line by converting to an alternative fuel source.By converting Lotus's rental cars to an alternative fuel source, we can expect to save money by reducing the amount of gasoline purchased. The conversion would reduce the level of carbon emissions because our vehicles would not operate on petroleum products. Lotus Rental Car's services would appeal to a larger customer base and elevate profits.

In Favor of (Pro)
Skyrocketing fuel prices seem to have our nation over a barrel. This could be the crisis that tips the scale toward higher fuel efficiency standards for automobiles, reinvestment in public transportation systems, and aggressive development of renewable alternatives long advocated. (j.G.)
As research shows, there are many positive reasons why America should look more in favor of finding alternative means to an end. Concerns about global warming have prompted lawmakers to unleash incentives for renewable energy. Wind power, solar energy, geothermal, and biomass fuels are all benefiting. (Port) Burning of fossil fuels not only contributes to global warming-it wastes money. Improving the energy efficiency of factories, buildings, vehicles, and consumer products would swiftly reduce the consumption of coal and oil, curbing the damage to Earth's climate while saving immense amounts of money for businesses and household. (Lovins)
Analysis has shown ways to fulfill the potential for creating clean power, preventing pollution, problems with water and air, while improving soil quality, convert biomass into methane, alcohol fuels, bio-diesel, compost and other value-added bio-products. One thing that comes to mind would be the transportation problem here in the U.S. Transportation consumes 70% of U.S. Oil and generates a third of the nation's carbon emissions. It is widely considered the most intractable part of the climate problem. Despite 119 years of refinement, modern cars remain inefficient. Only 13% of its fuel energy even reaches the wheels. The solution is obvious from the physics: greatly reduce the car's weight, which causes three fourths of the energy losses at the wheels. (Lovins)
Advanced manufacturing techniques developed in the past two years could make carbon-composite car bodies competitive with steel ones. A lighter body would allow automakers to use smaller less expensive engines. The introduction of ultra light bodies could nearly double the fuel efficiency of today's hybrid-electric vehicles that are already twice as efficient as conventional cars-without raising the sticker prices. Ultra light cars could greatly accelerate the transition to hydrogen fuel-cell cars that use no oil at all. Ultra light cars can be fast, roomy, safe, and efficient. A concept five-seat midsize SUV called the Revolution, designed in weighs only 857 kilograms - less than half the weight of a comparable conventional car - yet its carbon-fiber safety cell would protect passengers from high-speed collisions with much heavier vehicles. (Lovins)
If the American people continue down this path with its current trends they will consumed 28 million barrels of oil by the year 2025. It is a financial burden on the economy, and on the Earth. Natural Gas is a cheap raw material that is provided to us with few impurities and can gravely reduce emissions.
In Opposition to (Con)
Finding a means to alternative renewable resources has its strong points, but it is hard to over look the strain that it will have on the economy. The old saying goes, it takes money to make money, and though at the end, in the year 2025 when the Earth is futuristic and the atmosphere is restored, what would have happened to the American deficit problem. Experts on both sides claim that protecting Earth's climate will force a trade-off between the environment and the economy. (Lovins) The question is; are we prepared to do that? It is unfortunate that it is a toss up between the environment and the budget. The dilemma has been and will always be how to get costs down.
Finding ways to burn less fossil fuel, cut down the carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere to slow, or prevent global warming, will increase the cost of meeting society's needs for energy services. This includes everything from speedy transportation to hot showers. Environmentalist say the cost wound be modestly high. (Lovins)
One of the problems is that of the U.S. Transportation issue. It is stated that 70% of the U.S. Oil generates a third of the nation's carbon emissions. It is widely considered the most intractable part of the climate problem. Therefore, the solution was said to be an obvious one, the reduction of a car's weight that would reduce carbon emission. Analysis shows that full adoption of efficient vehicles, buildings and industries could shrink projected U.S. Oil use in 2025 by 28 million barrels a day. However, in a realistic scenario, only about half of these savings could actually be captured by 2025 because many older, less efficient cars and trucks would remain of the road. (Lovins) So now, the dilemma is this, a step toward the future or are we as a society just kidding ourselves.
The question arises Is ethanol a miracle or a farm fix? Before Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, farmers in eastern Ontario dreamed of a locally owned and operated $56-million ethanol plant that could convert corn starch into ethanol, a low-emissions fuel that can be used to power vehicles. (Royston) The controversy started when a joint study released in June by Cornell University and the University of California-Berkeley concluded that the process of converting field corn into liquid ethanol, as Seaway's plant, consumes 29% more fossil fuels than the value of the energy in the product. (Royston) A single ethanol plant can receive up to US $7.5 million in annual direct federal grants.
This summer's energy bill includes tax breaks expected to nearly double the country's production of ethanol by 2012. More than 40 new plants opened in the U.S. Between 2000 and while Canada still had none. Governments can try to create an ethanol market, but international investors see green only in oil. (Royston)
With everyone seeing green in oil, it is a wonder, how the US is ever going to switch over to alternative fuels alone. Alternative fuel has its high points and would pose to be very beneficial to the environment; but stats show it would not pose beneficial to the economy, at least not till the year 2025.

Problems and Opportunities
The research going towards alterative fuel has brought many factors to July of congress finally passed an energy bill that was signed by President Bush into law on August 8. (Wiengerger) This opens many new doors for developers and manufactures.
General Motors and Toyota, the two largest auto manufactures in the world, have been working together since 1999 to develop cleaner fuels for the past year, they have been discussing how to go from experimental state to commercial development (Mackintosh)
During the research, several methods are in the making for alternative fuels. They are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen fuel cells. These are just a few that are currently being developed.
Business Concept at this time would be to start small satellite of rental fleet where some alternative fuels are being offered. GM has already advertising on their E85 ethanol fuel, The news release that issue on
March 9 by GM
MINNEAPOLIS General Motors today announced the immediate availability of VE85 refueling pumps to Minneapolis-St. Paul area service stations through a collaborative partnership with VeraSun Energy Corp. The collaboration is part of a broader, national GM campaign to boost the use and awareness of ethanol-based E85 fuel in the United States. The announcement was made in advance of the Minneapolis and Saint Paul International Auto Show, which will be held from March 11-19 at the Minnesota Convention Center.
E85 ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline and is a renewable, domestic fuel that can enhance the nation's economy and energy security, said Elizabeth Lowery, GM vice president of environment and energy. Producing vehicles that can be powered by this fuel is an important part of GM's strategy to reduce vehicle emissions and dependence on petroleum and GM will continue to work to promote the increased use of E85 through partnerships like this one.
The Minneapolis area will be a good start for the satellite operations. GM already has vehicles that can use this VE85. Lotus Rental Car's usually purchases vehicles from GM; therefore, to purchase vehicles that can be put into service in the Minneapolis area would be good move for the company. The startup cost could be high but with the tax deductions that the company could use save a great deal of money.
The public relation department can provide a written report to the Board of Directors and the CEO on the possibility that Lotus could set up deal with GM & Toyota to help them marketed their new the next few years more vehicles will be on the market that will offer the use of alternative fuels. Lotus Rental Car would be in the right position to take full advantage of that opportunity.
Goals & Objectives

During our research, several methods were identified for the production of alternative fuels. They are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), biodiesel, ethanol, and hydrogen fuel cells. These are just a few that are currently being developed.

Consumer Acceptance - Implications
With the electric car becoming more of a novelty than a real alternative vehicle, the general rental car consumer will look for something else. This could be based on the fact that most electrics have a range of about 100 miles. Batteries need recharging, and that takes five or more hours. The hydrogen fuel cell vehicle could be years away from full development if not longer. The opportunity for Lotus is with the growing popularity of the hybrid automobile. The hybrid is offered by many of the major automobile manufacturers worldwide. (Cortese, Amy) Hybrids are probably the cars renters are most likely to try with actual purchase in mind. They use both gasoline and battery power, relying on each power source when it is more efficient — for instance, the electric motor when starting out and the gasoline engine when cruising on the highway. The battery is automatically recharged and the cars never need to be plugged in.

Many of our competitors in the rental car arena are now offering hybrid vehicles. Our competitors at this time are not performing well in the advertising of these cars. With Lotus's expertise in marketing the company could gain an immediate advantage over our competitors. The largest environmentally friendly fleet belongs to EV Rental, a Los Angeles-based company with 400 vehicles. The cars are available through Budget Rent A Car in Washington, D.C., and in 13 other cities in California, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Although the customer will have to ask specifically for an alternative-fuel or hybrid car — they are often not advertised. (Cortese)

The alternate vehicle team is recommending that Lotus begin to equip its fleet with 25% of the new hybrid vehicles. The hybrid offers excellent gas mileage and comes in many exciting styles. The government is now offering a special tax advantage for the purchase of environmental friendly vehicles. The team recommends a highly visible advertising campaign with an initial rental discount. A number of rental car agencies now offer models like a natural-gas-powered version of Ford's Crown Victoria and Honda's electric-powered EV Plus (which is no longer made), or gasoline-electric hybrids like the Toyota Prius, the Honda Civic Hybrid and the two-seat Honda Insight. Going green requires perseverance: these cars are not available everywhere, and where they are, their availability is not always apparent (Cortese),

Summary, Closing
Lotus Rental Car should stay on the leading edge of this new exciting technology. Petroleum products are still the most inexpensive and readily available resource for automobiles at this time. The hybrid offers the most reasonable choice for the near future until the automotive technology offers a totally clean solution. Lotus needs to increase its hybrid fleet gradually as the consumer accepts and trust these new alternative fuel vehicles.

Begley, Sharon, 1991, The road not taken, National Wildlife, Aug/Sep, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p10,6p,
Clitheroe, Paul. Feb Converting my car to LPG, Money (Australia), Issue 1, p22-23,2p, 2 charts, 1bw, 1 illustration, 4c;
Cortese, Amy, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, The New York Times, Jan 24, pD9 (N) pF9 (L) col 1 (19 col in), Retrieved March 4 from the, (c) 2006 by Thomson Gale. Thomson Gale is a Thomson Corporation Company.
Giampietro, Mario; Ulgiati, Sergio, Integrated Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, Vol. 24 Issue 5/6, p365-384,
03-09 General Motors Promotes Greater E85 Consumer Awareness, Use In Minnesota http://media. Target=http://image. Emerald. Do? Domain=74&docid=24047
Hirt, Sabine Gabriele; Swanson, E. Burton, 1999, Adopting SAP at Siemens Power Corporation, Journal of Information Technology (Routledge, Ltd.), Sep, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p243-251,9p, 1 chart, 2 diagrams
Internal Revenue Service, Forms 8896,8910 and 8911
J.G., Pioneering in Energy Independence, In Business, Sept/Oct, Vol. 27 Issue 5, p2-2,2/3
Lovins, Amory B, MORE PROFIT WITH LESS CARBON, Scientific American, Sept., Vol. 293, Issue 3, p74-83,10p, 3 diagrams, 2 graphs, 5c
O'Connor, Cecily, Index managers get revenue rush from alternatives, Pensions & Investments, 8/22, Vol. 33 Issue 17, p3-29,2p, 2c;
Robin/son, Aaron, 1999, Natural gas may make future fuel, Automotive News, 06/28/99, Vol. 73 Issue 5826, p30,
Royston, Lindsay, FIELD DREAMS, Canadian Business, 9/12/Vol. 78 Issue 18, p93-94,2p, 1c
Weinberger, Caspar W., An Energy BillAt Last, Forbes, 10/3 vol. 176 Issue 6, pp35,1p, 1c

WOW!!! Horrible paper... HORRIBLE!!! And, to think, these morons have seemingly passed the class... And I'll bet they got "A's" to boot... Now for a couple of links that prove EXACT content lifting... Which I know is minimally acceptable with proper citation... BUT not in the abundance these people have done this... The links...

Http:// Jsp? Content=20060109_203250_4548

Http:// Q=cache: 13p1SBx0M2kJ: Pdf intractable lovins&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3

Now, to issue two: The "Teams"

I am almost positive, and I'll admit this is merely a gut feeling, one that deserves investigation, that these "students" and "team" members are fakes... What do I mean by "fakes?" I am theorizing that some of these fellow students are merely filler, a means of filling the gaps of limited attendance in these courses. Perhaps these fakes are either the instructors or employees of the "universi-mentary." I type this based on my experiences in around 10 courses, all having the same experiences with the teams... I did ALL the work while these fools came up with one excuse after another, from deaths in their families, to massive car wrecks, to fried computers, to numerous other events that prevented the "team member's" full participation in the group work. Now, I admit fully that I would check in on all of the teams and the same garbage was happening in them as well... MAYBE 2 active members working per 6-7 member team... And this was true in EVERY class I had... Now what is the probability of having 10 or so courses and having the EXACT M.O. Occur in EVERY class??? Before you all think I'm on a dillusional path, examine your experiences with UOP Online and think back to your "team." Did you have similar experiences, where every excuse in the book was used to avoid work, where only 1-2 members did all of the work while the remaining members did nothing? It wouldn't take ANY effort for the instructor or an outside employee to go to these classes and type a bunch of garbage excuses... Or to simply remain silent... It would also be effortless for an employee to simply turn in a set of stock responses to the classroom to add to the appearance of legitimacy to such an assignment. More potential evidence of "stock" responses can be found in the verbiage of emailings from members of the UOP faculty and staff and their constant usage of the term "just a heads up." I saw that phrase from SO MANY UOP employees that the lack of originality sickened me! Now, if they could dish up the fakeness in emailings, they most certainly COULD do this in the classes. At the least, this stool... I mean, "school, " lets anyone into the program. Take, for instance, the following post:

The grammar excises were good for me and help me understand few that has always left me confused. Trying to remember them all is going to be the hard part. I know where I need to go and what has to be done to become the writer that I have always dreamed of. The more writing I do the better I am getting. Understanding the different types of papers passive and all the others has helped me a great deal, like I said before putting it to practice well make it better.

The case study was good too, way to look at things at all angles and make correct judgment calls. Understanding the citations and references more then before and trying to make a paper smoother and flow better.

I have nothing against those in this world that are utilizing English as a second language, and I have no evidence that the above posting was wriiten under such influences, but I am amused and shocked that this was a closing post from a student of UOP Online that had just completed a course called "ESSENTIALS OF COLLEGE WRITING!!!" Sure, I'm no Steinbeck nor am I a Twain, maybe not even a Gary Larsen, but I felt almost ashamed to be in the same courses as some of the people I was in these courses with. I know you get dim-wits in all forms of schooling, but the UOP dim-wits were without a doubt the dimmest of the dim... Where are your standards UOP? Is it as simple as a fat bank account or what?

To the defenders of UOP:

I find your pursuits honorable from the perspective of self-preservation and your willingness to stand up for what you believe is a noble institution. If everything in your life, related to your associations with UOP is "A-Okay, " then all I can type here is: GOOD FOR YOU. I am glad you found your spot in this world. But, having experienced a sub-standard educational experience at a "school" that passes the ignorant and the academically malicious, I do not agree with your defensive tactics. I cannot nor will I ever willingly support an organization mired in so much extensive and documented fraudulent behavior. If ANYONE has ANY successes in bringing a class action suit against this alleged school, COUNT ME IN!!!

Company: University Of Phoenix Online
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: Phoenix Arizona
  <     >  


Toyota Motors
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