Rebates HQ Won't pay rebate, stall tactics, lies, FILE A COMPLAINT With ATTY GENERAL OF FLORIDA! Ripoff

Education & Science

First off everyone needs to file a complaint with the Floriday Attorney General against RebatesHQ.

RebatesHQ tries to not pay and discourage customers from receiving their rebates. They have no intention of every paying claims. They will run you around and never let you talk to the same person twice. They never call back or respond to email. They will tell you what ever you want to hear to get you to go away and hopefully forget about your rebate.

Here is my history with this ripoff company!

I mailed my rebate on Sept, 8th

It did not appear on the online tracking over a month later.

Sent email requesting status on Oct. 25 2005 - NO Reply
Called on Oct 31st told to re-submit via fax and my rebate would be posted in 48 hours, but it never did.

Emailed againg on Nov. 6th 2005 - NO Reply

Called on Nov. 8th and spoke to "Alicia" told me to again Re-submit via FAX, I did that the same day.

I called for status on Dec. 8th 2005 - I was told to wait up to 4 more weeks.

I called on Jan. 5 2006 spoke to "Hugo" and told the check would be there within 2 weeks. IT NEVER CAME
I called on Jan. 27th 2006 and spoke to "Angel" she said again to wait 2 weeks. IT NEVER CAME

I called on Feb. 6th 2006 and spoke to "Amy", she said a check was cut on Jan. 31st and would arrive by Feb. 15th. IT NEVER CAME

I called on March 2nd and spoke to "Eddie Sanders" supposedly a manager. He said no check was cut or sent and the promotion had been closed, but after much lively discussion he personally guaranteed me the check would arrive in TWO WEEKS.

It never came.

I called on March 20th and spoke to "Daniel Jones" he said he would open an investigation and to call him back in 5 days. (Bullsh*t)

Today I filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office in Florida and also California Where I live.
These guys should go to jail.

Company: RebatesHQ
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8668809657
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