Ripoff - I too was ripped off got free trial billed for the monthly program 55.90 sent item back unopened and was told they couldnt refund me had to be in product my credit dard said they couldn't do anything about it what a way to do business

Education & Science

Ordered free trial then received product from them returned to them unopened and was told i could not be refunded the 55.90 they charged my credit card. But they could send more product in place of refund.

Company: Boehm-ritter
Country: USA
State: California
City: Napa
Address: 3212 Jefferson St #424
Phone: 6462308963
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Boehm Ritter - Nexiderm SP
Boehm-Ritter Inc., Nexiderm-SP rip-off!

Boehm-Ritter - NEXIDERM
Ripoff I never received my free trial and was still charged for the product

Boehm -Ritter
Boehm - Ritter ripoff Free 10 day trial billed in 4 days Sent second order unsolicited and charged my Amex Exchange made it cost $73 Canadian for an item not worth $5

Boehm-Ritter, Nexiderm
Ripoff, charged my credit card before trial period ended

Boehm - Ritter Fraudulent Billing Practices

Boehm Ritter, Nexiderm
Boehm Ritter Nexiderm Major ripoff Deceptive advertising Fine Fine Print Rude Customer Service

Boehm-ritter Nexiderm Inc. Rip-off! Dishonest fraudulent billing!

Boehm Ritter - Nexiderm-SP

Boehm - Ritter
Boehm-Ritter Overcharged Shipping and Handling by $80 for an allegedly "free" product

Free Trial 100% Guaranteed Cancel at any time Great Words for selling. There is nothing FREE about it. I am not 100% satisfied and no one is available to accept my "cancellation"!