Freedom Marketing

Education & Science

On Jan. 05 I paid freedom marketing $29.95 using my credit card I paid extra for rapid processing and to this day I have not received a thing. And to days date is Feb. 14th 2006 I also tried to call the phone number that showed up on my credit card and could not get ahold of any one. This is a rip off and should be stoped These people are just taking the money of hard working people.

Mounds, Illinois

Company: Freedom Marketing
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Knoxville
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Freedom Marketing
Ripoff, nonresponsive, frauds, inconsiderate

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff work at home

Freedom Marketing
Stuff envelopes from home scam ripoff

Freedom Marketing
Rip Off! Scam, Stealing Innocent Peoples money!

Freedom Marketing
Ripoff Internet

Freedom Marketing
Take your money and uses your personal info fraudulently!

Freedom Marketing

Freedom Marketing
Company Ripoff Work at Home Scam accepted and cashed payment for envelope stuffing materials and did not send me anyrthing

Freedom Marketing Aka PC Enterprises
Rip off, scam, takes your money and uses your personal info fraudently

PC Enterprises / Peyton Enterprises / Global Mail Marketing
Work from home RIPOFF