Tricia Gooding
Ebay ripoff fraud theft, sold same item 15 times and did not delive

Education & Science

Seller on eBay (eBay ID seanysmommy, ilovemysonsean) sold 15 identical "Brand New Apple IPod Nano in Black MP3 Player"s to 15 different Buyers, collected Cashier's Checks, but did not ship to ANY Buyers, then changed her MemberID. She did this in November last year, and apparently has gotten away with it. She gets POSITIVE ratings by changing IDs, selling many very cheap items (~10), builds up her Positive ratings, and then sets up another fraud sale on eBay under the new MemerID.

Company: Tricia Gooding
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Old Orchard Beach
Address: 51 Smithwheel Road, E34
Phone: 2079372055
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