LVNV FUNDING And Mci ripoff

Education & Science

I ordered my credit repot today, only to see that this company has posted my name for collections for an account that I have no knowledge of. This is the compnay's name and info according to eExperien credit reporting agency:
PO BOX 10497
(866) 464-1183

This account claims to be opened in March. At that period, I was residing with my aunt at a complete different address and i DID not have any utility bils in my name.infact i only stared residing at my current residence as of OCTOBER that is a whole year and more after this account ws claimed to be opened. When I did receive phone service, I purchased it with someone else. I have been with MCI for just over 2 years now and my account is in good standing. They reported this I am assuming using my social security number. I only became a LEGAL permanent resident of the US in August and was only issued a social security number then. This incorrect information has gone against my credit and has been a detrimental blow to my credit score. I need to have this taken care of immediately. It is UNFAIR that i be responsible for something that doesn't belong to me

Company: LVNV FUNDING And MCI Worldcom
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Address: 15 South Main Street Suit
Phone: 8664641833
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LVNV Funding, LLC
Resurgent Capital, Greenville SC ripoff fraudulent scam dishonesty

LVNV Funding
LVNV Funding has a personal loan in my name that I never applied or signed for which shows up in my credit report

LVNV Funding, OSI Gulf State Comprucredit, Sherman Aquistions, TransUnion, EQuifax, NationWide Credit
L Funding LLC, OSI Gulf State Comprucredit, Sherman Aquistions, TransUnionLvnv Funding, OSI Gulf State Comprucredit, EQuifaxeLvnv Funding, EQuifax, NationWide CreditLVNV Funding, ripoff LVNV Funding, falsfying statements to to credit bureau

LVNV Funding
Complainting negatively on my credit and refusing to help me proe this debt is not mine

LVNV Funding - Sherman Acquisitions - Wolpoff and Abramson
LVNV Funding ripoff reporting on my credit by no contact with them

Lvnv Fundingllc
Sherman Acquisition L.L.C, FNBM, LLC, Ascent Card Services, LLC, Ascent Card Services II, LLC Trying to collect an invalid debt and damaging my credit report Ripoff

Merchants'Credit Guide Co
Lvnv funding llc frauds! Credit card company really is LVNV Funding. Messed up my credit

LVNV funding Resurgent Capital service
LVNV Funding paying pennies but collecting dollars

LVNV Funding - Resurgent Capital
They ruined my credit history by including a collection account they bought from MCI which I never had any account with

Lvnv Funding, Lvnvfundg