Pacific Poker
Ripoff how they cheat

Education & Science

Pacific Poker how they cheat and how not to lose. There are no urls or codes here, I'm just going to tell you how they turn poker into roullette. Not going to lie and say you can make thousands like the people getting paid by the poker places?

The same people that tell you there calculator program can get you thousands a month. Or any other so call program that will win you big, these programs are put out by them so they can sucker you into there money play. The same is with the free play, when you play there free pay your odds of hitting the nuts is a lot better then when your using your money.

I did turn a profit first but that's not what this is about, it's more on how not to lose, and how I believe it works. If you already have an account then test this out with care, if you don't then go play need for speed most wanted or something else.

After turning a profit I was at about $60 after cashing out, I started to play like someone that wanted to make a living out of it. Playing as many as five games a day, after just two days I was down to about two dollars. I enjoy poker and I will play the same on my first game as I will on my 3rd. The more you play each day the more you lose. If you want to win you have to play one or
two "sit and goes" and no more. After those first two games the odds of winning turn into roullette, very bad odds of winning.

See they don't believe a person that is winning will stop playing, mean hell when you feel like a pro why stop? You can call this opinion if you like, but an untested fact is an opinion.

Anyways I stopped playing when I hit the two dollars. Few weeks later I came back, but only played one or two games and quit after I won, and quit if I didn' less then two week that $2 was 80. After hitting second to these people that can't play I had to ask myself what's the deal? The same people that play every hand and raise with 7-2 and flop a trip. This is anything but the poker god's at work. It's not just a one time thing it's all the time and I once again took second to one of these people. This guy in the first 9 hands hit pocket aces/3/10/Q, the aces didn't trip but the three did on the flop the ten and queen did on the river. At about a
ten percent chance to trip a pocket after the river this guy did it twice in nine hands and flopped the threes. He didn't trip the aces but didn't need to, as they paid off. This guy had at one point played his last chips and came back to first place. It was time for a show-down as the 3rd person went out. I had A-9 and he was jacking up the pot like he had already won, so what the h*l I went all in and so did he. He had 7-2 vs my A-9 at this point I'm about 66 percent to win I would guess. He flops a seven on the turn. On the very last hand the same play, he had Q-9 vs my A-6, he flops a nine. Okay but this means nothing right, mean that's poker? Question you must ask yourself is how often, when the odds are turned around is it still poker or roullette.

To test this out I took my 80 and didn't stop playing after those two a matter of hours I was using my last bucks on a sit in go. Odds are your going to lose a few right, but how many?

I played like I always did, folded trash and waited for better this time I hit about 5 trips and about 5 flushes. NOT ONE paid off, bad day, bad luck, call it what you want once you have tested it. The trips were busted by flushes or str, the flushes got busted by pockets.

Friend of mine had just came over, I was playing my last few dollars on a sit and go. I had A-6 and the flop came A-8-A he's like raise it and then go all in. At this point I fill like Al bundy when his big red wife walks in. My friend is one of those that has money and waste it, and I'm just poor. So I didn't feel bad about this next part. I said I can't raise it I will lose, he
said the kicker is bad but it will probably pay. I say I didn't care about the kicker that wasn't the problem, I said okay I bet you 50 dollars that If I go all in I will lose. He took the bet and out of the few people still at the table there was pocket 8s. Once again just a bad hand but how often? How many times can this happen before a person can say the odds aren't the same? I'm
at zero now, I made a profit and I can live easy with that.

Don't be fooled into thinking some program or some bonus is going to pay your bills. I guess you could sign up a lot of friends and have them all lose to one person and then cash out that person with all the bonuses. I haven't tried this but I'm sure they would see this.

Well, at this point I'm sure you all have read enough to know my english sucks and my typing is not much better. I'm sure you all can make it out.

Think about it for a second, if what I say is true then everyone has a good chance of winning the first couple of games they play. This means that everyone walks away happy if they do so after those first two games. This means any body that can't play poker can win and feel good about winning, and this means they enjoy it, keep playing. Hey I raise with 7-2 and win, all these people are suckers, I love it.

You can call this odd or bad beat, poker Gods, or anything else you want to. When it's all over
you still have to ask yourself how often? Don't buy it, test it out.

Company: Pacific Poker
Country: USA
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Full Tilt Poker
Always lost on hands that would almost always win... Especially heads up! Internet

Online poker site San Francisco California

It's a scam, don't be stupid and play on their site!

Pokerstars ripped me off thousands over the years

PurePlay Poker
Jason Kellerman, Ron Conway, Mike Orsak, Completely set up B. S it's so easy to tell, play there for a few days WITHOUT trying to pay them, you'll see


Fulltilt Poker
Online gambling
Please, folks these off shore gaming companies are rip offs... They cheat, you lose, end of question

Pureplay Poker
This site sets you up and also smacks you on the river, or you boat gets smacked bye a bigger boat / flush

Ultimate Bet
Something smells fishy!