Advantage America
Big Rip-off ripoffs and liers

Education & Science

I recieved a call this morning telling me that I was granted a $12,500.00 Government Grant for paying my taxes and that I had applied for it. I remembered that I had looked into grants but didn't remember applying. I went through with the whole process and then got worried that something wasn't right. I called them back and everything seemed to be okay but I still didn't feel right so I looked them up on Google and found this website... The only one that represents this company! I called my bank and stopped any damage before it happens. Thank you for saving my money. I wanted so bad to believe it because things are financially tight right now and that would have only made things worse. Thank you and God Bless.

Company: Advantage America
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8665037345
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Advantage America-bank Of America
Advantage America - Bank Of America ripoff 12,500.00 in government grants. 500.00 worth of grocery coupons Clearwate

Advantage America Grants
Ripoff by promising Grants and asking for your bank account numbe

Advantage America
Ripoff taxpayers scam

Advantage America
Ripoff lied about government grant to be given and took money with no permission

Advantage America
Ripoff possible class action suit if enough people have been involved

Advantage America
Ripoff I receved a phone call from themthat i was awarded a 12,500 grant from the government. On the 1/9/06 they took out $299.95 out of my bank account

Advantage America

Advantage America
Ripoff government grants $12,500 for $49.95

Advantage America
Ripoff Persistant rude hard to understand

Advantage America
Fraudulent Government Grant Scam