Merchants Credit Guide
Made attempt to fraudulently collect non-existent debt ripoff

Education & Science

On January 5 I received a letter from Ken Hughes at Merchants Credit Guide Co indicating that they collecting a debt on a defaulted account. The letter was sent to my business address and it was addressed to my informal name. The amount owed is $3,817.14. The letter further indicated that they were representing CFB Financial III LLC who purchased the defaulted debt. The original creditor is Chase Manhattan Bank.

I knew immediately that this was a scam attempt to defraud me as
(1) I have never knowingly had an account with Chase Manhattan Bank,
(2) I never use my informal name on credit accounts,
(3) I don't use my business address for personal debt and,
(4) I have no debt.

Further, with a very common last name, I keep a good history on my credit and this account is non-existent on my records and finally, I have never received any correspondence from Chase Manhattan Bank regarding this debt. The name and address they used can be found on my company website.

I didn't dignify this letter with a phone call and instead went searching on the internet to find this company.instead, I found and found over 100 people describing an identical circumstance.

After reading most of the reports on this company, I filed an online report with the FTC and I filed an online fraud complaint with the U.S. Postal service. As I explained in my U.S. Postal Service complaint, this letter was not a sloppy mistake or even negligence. To me, this was an illegal use of the U.S. Mail to defraud me out of money. From the mistakes they made in addressing me in the letter, it was clear they knew I wasn't the correct person.

I have sent a cease and desist letter to Merchant Credit Guide with print outs of my online complaints and information on my contact with Let them deal with the Feds. Thanks so much for your valuable website.

Company: Merchants Credit Guide
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 223 W. Jackson Boulevard
Phone: 8663716934
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Merchants Credit Guide