Nayco Merchandising Group
Ripoff I purchased David's 7 week training course which was nothing more than fancy words & ads to buy more from him

Education & Science

On 12/10/05 i paid David Nayavich $97 for his 7 week online training course. I had problems getting into the course and when I finally did I discoverd it was just endless information easily found on the internet. Each course contained webpage after webpage to buy something else from him.

I requested a refund from him and after a few days he responded he would gladly give refund my money i needed to provide him with my credit card's expiration date.
It's been over a week and not a word from him concerning my refund however he continues to send Junk emails to me offering even more things to buy from him

Company: Nayco Merchandising Group
Country: USA
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Nayco Merchandising Group
Ripoff Internet

Nayco Merchandizing Group

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