Chba (Consumer Health Benefits Assoc, ), Rj Hawkins, Shannon & Cindy

Education & Science

December 5 I received a call from R J Hawkins with Consumer Health Benefits Association (CHBA). He asked me if I was interested in health insurance which I was not at first because they had called my cell phone 20 times in like 5 days. He calmed me down and apoloized.

R J told me he can offer me "group insurance" as low as 129.95 a month. "Group Insurance" is what caught my attention. I asked how can you offer group insurance so cheap. R J said, "Because we are a non profit organization". I listened. I was very interested in the prescription plan with a $10, $20 & $40 co-pay. R J asked for pre-existing conditons, so I told him about my high choloesterol and my husband is a Type 2 diabetic.

R J said the initial set up was $109.95 plus a monthly payment of $129.95. This included everything under the sun, but I was really interested in the "Prescription Plan", which again, because I asked him several times was suppose to be $10, $20 & $40 co-pays.

R J asked for a credit card or debit card number to finish up the transaction for $239.85. I told him I just want this one time taken out of my account and bill me the rest of the months. He said, "not a problem", when I get my packet which was to arrive in 7-10 days to call and have them send me a bill instead of taking it directly out of my account. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

First of all the packet was 20 days late. I had to get my husband and my medicine filled. I called CHBA and talked to Shannon who "just couldn't believe I hadn't received my packet" and told me she would ask her manager if she could send in over night. (the package came 3 days later) Shannon gave me my GROUP#, MEMBER#, etc. And said I could take that with me to the pharmacist (which is on thier list) and get if filled.

I went to the pharmacy and they said they don't have my MEMBER# & GROUP# listed as me a member. I called R J and everyone else that I could get a hold of and they sent me back and forth transfering me or giving me another number to call. I left the pharmacy embarrassed and frustrated.

FINALLY after leaving several messages, someone called me back. They said give them an hour and I could pick up our meds. I had 3 medications. The total with this WONDERFUL plan was $277.00. I thought the pharmacy made a mistake. I asked her to hold off on 1 and what would it cost for just 2. $207.00. I said how much would it cost without this plan. The pharmacist told me $216.00. So I was saving a whoppin $9. Needless to say I did not use the plan.

I called to cancel the insurance, no one answers so AGAIN, I leave 2 messages. I will keep calling and I'm still waiting on Cindy to call me back, which she gave me her direct line when I spoke with her before. That phone number is the SAME phone number for CHBA. Not Cindy's direct line.

I have never talked to the same person twice except R J Hawkins. First time for him to sell and rip me off. 2nd time was because I asked for an email confirmtion and it hadn't been sent. (I did get a fax from which they just outlined the benefits, which most are lies. And now he doesn't even return my calls anymore.

Hospital & Dr visits I was told and is on the fax that CHBA pays 80%. NOT TRUE! They only pay 80% of a certain price.

Here are the numbers that were given to me and NO ONE ever answered. Always have to leave a message because they are on another line. (supposedly)

877-215-2071 (x363 R J Hawkins)
877-687-2422 (was given to me 3 times)
877-215-2071 (should be Cindy's direct line) yea right!

Then you should see the list of numbers on the card they sent. There are 14 different numbers to call.

I'm going tomorrow to close my account out so they can't take anymore of my money, but how do I get my $239.85 back. I will also be contacting the BBB as well.

Thanks to Sharon S for reporting CHBA as well.

We want our money back!!!

Celina, Texas

Company: Chba (Consumer Health Benefits Assoc, ), Rj Hawkins, Shannon & Cindy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coconut Creek
Address: 4875 Coconut Creek Pkwy
Phone: 8772152071363
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