American Advantage (Grant Department)
Phone Scam, asks for bank info. Lake Park

Education & Science


A company claiming to be the "Grant Department" of American Advantage says the US Government chose 200 people to recieve a tax rebate of $5000.

Of course skeptical, I asked many questions. The associate sayed his name was Charles, Employee Code: I374. He gave me an address in GA of where he was located. (It seems to be the same city as an earlier PHONE SCAM from Florida.) I asked who gave his company authorization to these 200 people. He gave me the name of John Robinson, a man of no such authorization. He said I had only today to give my information.

He then said he would transfer me to a secured, automated system where I was to give my Name, Bank, and Account Number so that no person working there would have access to my information. BUT, when the automated system asked me to say my name and I did NOT answer, Charles was on the line. So this wasn't such a secure system after all.

I asked why I couldn't just receive a check, and Charles said it wasn't a secure way to transfer money, but could not explain to me why it wasn't.

In all, I hope nobody falls for a PHONE SCAM like this one. And I will rest assured that I wasted an hour of "Charles" time while he's working on commission.

Please DON'T BE FOOLED. Think before you give ANYONE your personal info.

Company: American Advantage (Grant Department)
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Lake Park
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Advantage America Grant Department
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