Skillsoft - CBT - Smart Certify Direct

Education & Science

Add me to the Class action list! I found out about this after trying to login to work on a couple of Certifications. The web pages that I used to refer to are no longer available. What a rip!

Company: Skillsoft - CBT - Smart Certify Direct
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 25400 U. S. Highway 19 North #285
Phone: 7277248994
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SmartCertify, CBT Direct, CBT, Skillsoft, CBT XPress
Smart Certify Direct, CBT Direct, CBT, Skillsoft, CBT XPress poor course materials, high pressure sales

Smart Certify - GE Care Credit
Ripoff biggest scam ever using ge care credit

Smart Certify
Skillsoft agressive and harrassing sales tactics ripoff

Skillsoft - CBT - Smart Certify Direct
Smart Certify - Smart Certify clearly trains their sales professionals how to take the money and run, as they did me and advoided me til after the 30days

Smart Certify Direct
Ripoff Clear Wate

Smart Certify Direct - Skill Soft - ELearning
Ripoff, liars, scams, worthless training

Smart Certify Direct
Ripoff lies, cheats and steals! Someone has to STOP THEM!

Smart Certify
SkillSoft, CBT Direct ripoff

Smart Certify Direct
Lies, cheats and steals! Rip-off!

SmartCertify Direct
Skillsoft Dishonest Think before you commit read the warranty