Online Supplier
Rip off, unathorized charges appearing on credit card, misleading and fradulent company

Education & Science

I first heard of Online Supplier through a "job" listing on Career Builder, saying "come work on e-Bay with Online Supplier." This is extremely misleading, as it is not a job opportunity at all, just a wholesale company that will rip you off.

I signed up for the $9.95 trial version, and they stated I would get lots of "free gifts" which come along with the membership. Apparently, after 14 days, you could cancel, although the $9.95 would not be refunded. Upon checking the "free gifts", there were outrageous "handling fees" that you had to pay before receiving them, even for something you could mail in an envelope, such as a travel certificate.

I tried selling a few items on e-Bay and they did not sell. Therefore, I cancelled my membership and was expecting to only lose $9.95. However, in the next few months, charges of $59.95 started to appear on my credit card statement. The company name was a little bit different, OS ActionLine, and gave no address or phone number. When I disputed the charge, the company informed me that I had a personal coach (that I didn't know about and was never told about) and that's what they were billing me for. Apparently, I was supposed to call and cancel this "coaching", as well. However, I was never aware that I had a coach, and if I did, why didn't they ever call me and tell me? Unfortunately, no one at the company would speak with me once I had disputed the charge. So I have been billed $59.95 for at least 2 months, and never received anything for it.

Reno, Nevada

Company: Online Supplier
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: 404 E. 1st Street, Suite 1345
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Online Supplier
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Online Supplier
Ripoff credit card charge without consent misleading advertising California

Online Supplier
Ripoff, nonrefundable charges to my bank account, dishonest won't cancel

Online Supplier
Billing Credit Cards Without Authorization

IP Online Supplier
Total SCAM

New Wave Advertising - OS Actionline
Online Supplier - OS Actionline - New Wave Advertising ripoff Internet

Online Supplier, NewWave
Online Supplier Please read this before you become a victim, very dishonest, fradulent

Online Supplier - Newave - OS Action Line
Ripoff Charged my credit card w/o consent

Online Supplier
SCAM - tells you, you will only be charged $1.95 - NOT SO! Ripoff

Online Suppliers
Ripoff dishonest Long Beach California