Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Awards Program

Education & Science

My Boyfriend got a letter saying that he won $3,341, 006.00 from this company. There was three other people on this list out of four. He was number one on the list.

Name No. 2 was Rocky Rothwell, IN. Name No. 3 was Andre Barnette, MD. And Name No. 4 was Kenneth Donaldson, WA. They tell you to keep it a secret and tell no one about it because it's a hoax.

Company: Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Awards Program
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: Director's Office P.O. Box 98855
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Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program LVAAP
Tried to have me send $20 to claim my $3,341, 006.00 RIPOFF

LVAAP - Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent report record

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award ProgramP
Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program ripoff

Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
Chapter of las vegas actionable rip-off award

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program - LVAAP - NBPI


Actionable Awards Program
Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Awards Program ripoff - I Recived one of their fony letters, and almost fell for it

Nevada Actionable Award Program
LVAAP - Las Vegas ripoff

Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program
Ripoff trying to get a quick $20.00, I dont think so