Merchants Credit Guide
Ripoff fraudulent collection agency

Education & Science

We just received a collection letter in the mail on Thursday, 07-21-05 from Merchants Credit Guide Co. (MCGC) addressed to a Sandra J. Foster, but with our address on it. It stated their client, NCO Portfolio Management, purchased a defaulted account from a Nationsbank credit card and even listed the credit card number with the current balance of $1,980.03. We do not have and have never had this credit card thru this fact, Nationsbank does not exist anymore (I checked).

I contacted MCGC to let them know they had sent this collection letter to the wrong address, but Ken Hughes, the collection rep, "was in a meeting" so I spoke to a Mr. Shabazz, "his assistant" (he even spelled it for me!). The first thing he said was "did you receive a letter in the mail?" I said yes and explained the above, but he informed me that we were still responsible for this debt. I informed him that I WOULD NOT pay it because it was not mine. He then asked me if my husband's SS# was #-#-# and if his name was Daniel. Yes. He then asked if I were Melinda. Yes. Okay—RED FLAGS were going off at this point. I asked him how he knew my name if this account was addressed to a Sandra J. Foster. He went on with stating that since my husband's SS# was given for this collection that we were responsible for the debt and said they would settle for some $480.00. I, again, said I would not pay this. He was very smooth, telling me that he listened to people all day who were dishonest and trying to get out of payment. I told him I was not one of them, but this was not my debt. I felt at this point either someone was using my husband's ID or this agency was fraudulent. He told me this debt could possibly be at least 7 yrs. Old. I told him I thought it seemed a little funny to me that we have been able to refinance our house several times in the last 5 yrs. And this was not on our credit report (and is NOT on it at this time!). No comment from him.

I told Mr. Shabazz I would be speaking to him again after I did some research and this research has lead me to believe this is ABSOLUTELY a fraudulent collection agency. The scary thing is—they have my husband's SS# and who knows what other information. I am contacting the Attorney General's offices in both Missouri and Illinois and will, also, file a report with the Better Business Bureau and will contact national offices if I have to. I will absolutely not be harrassed by this so called company and after reading the other consumer complaintss on them would not hesitate with a lawsuit if it came to that point. I can't wait to speak to 'Mr. Shabazz' on Monday AM!

PLEASE—do not fall for this deceit and do not be afraid of this illegal, fraudulent company.

Company: Merchants Credit Guide
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 223 W. Jackson Blvd
Phone: 8882491033
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Merchants' Credit Guide Co
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