Ripoff bad company does not try to work anything out just wants to take our home

Education & Science

2 year ago we could not pay the propery tax and we called homeq to see if they would pay it and put it with the property value or could we refinace. They told us no. So we worked things out with the state takes to pay them.

All of a sudden homeq payed them and put it on the escrow but told us we would have to pay 675.00 a month for a year to catch up my payments were 431 a month, we said ok, well the next taxes came due and without asking us they paid them to.

I pay my payments on line and did not notice untill it was to late the they had without asking or sending a letter uped my payments to 860.00 double my regaler payments. I did not notice this untill they sent y check back for 675. Saying this was not enough.

I look and at that time it said I owed 2000.00 plus my payment of 860.00, I have 5 children and I and my wife work but we could not pay that amount and still afford to do much of anything else.

So when I called them they told me that they will bring forcloser against us if we do not pay 5000.00. So we just claimed a chapter 13 last month. I paid the payment of 431. Last month as soon as we file, I sent it in around 4/1 they did not apply it tell the 4/19, my payments our due the 15 anways my court day is Friday 5/20/05 and I went to review my account and it says the I owe 9789.85 in escrow but the last time we got somthing in writing they said we owed 6500. Dollars witch I gave that stament to my attorney.

It also says the last payment received was 431. On the 4/19/05 and that my next payment is due 4/15/04, I thought that chapter 13 is suppose to stop that stuff and help me just pay the arrears. I will have to talk to my attorney on Friday.

We owned this house for over 26 years and don't owe much more on the principal, This company does not care and you can not even talk to them unless you have lots of money. I like to get from under them but now I am stuck for another 3 years at least.

Company: HomeQ
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: PO Box 13716 Sacramento California 95853
Phone: 8778677378
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