BCTI, Business Computer Training Institute
Computer Training I can't use. I was ripped off. WHAT A JOKE Ripoff

Education & Science

Back in 1999 I went to the Employment Department in Downtown Portland and as I was about to enter a guy standing out front told me about this place called BCTI and explained to me that they teach you everything from typing to learning organizational skills and how to use computer programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Peachtree, Ms Access. Also how to write business letters ect. Everything you need to know about computer stuff. Cool! I was convinced this would be an awsome way to get ahead in the work force without having to go to a four year university.

So I set up an interview to meet with a career counsler who gave a tour to my mother and I which she also got sucked into the program. We both agreed to attend, but had to fill out what we were told was financial aid papers and to find out after we filled them out that they were actually student loan papers and we were told that we wouldn't have to pay anything for a year after we graduated. The percentages were really high like 23% for one and like 15% for another. I was so confused, but drawn into the hype about getting a great job from the training the provide and climbing the ladder to success. Basically we were told to think big and have big dreams and that we were going to get a fabulous high paying job. They classes consisted of five modules.

First one basically had us playing solitare getting used to the mouse and another program called Mavis Beacon which was very beneficial to me because when I first started typing I was at 15 wpm's and now I type 65 wpm. I have to say that's the only thing I've really been able to use to only get jobs doing data entry at temp companies. I haven't been able to obtain a job as a receptionist of secretary because most places want atleast 1-2 years on the job skills which I don't have. I graduated in January with a Certificate in Business Computer Office Applications which is probably null & void since BCTI is no longer opened. I just feel screwed. Having to pay off a student loan for something I can't use.

If anyone else has been screwed by the school I suggest calling a lawyer and getting some advice about what to do. I'm thinking about getting a class action suit against them.

I was told that if you call Central State Directory Assitance they can give you number to attorneys that are state appointed where you don't pay till you win the case and I also suggest calling the State Board of Education and even try your state senators and/or goveners maybe even district attorney. I haven't yet found any information yet on any cases regarding BCTI yet, but I would like to get in on one. This Student Loan has gave me bad credit and I would like to not have to pay for something I can't use.

The Federal Government has been seizing my tax returns since 2001. I hope I can get this money back. You can contact me at the information provided below. Thankyou.

Company: BCTI, Business Computer Training Institute
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Vancouver
Address: 204 Stonemill Drive
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Businees Computer Training Institute
B.C.T.I., ripoff outstanding loan no employment

US Dept. Of Eduction And Business Computer Training Institute BCTI
US Dept. Of Eduction And Business Computer Training Institute, The BCTI debacle of the state of Washington

Lied to me about the job market in Computer and office skills

BCTI, Business Computer Training Institute
BCTI False schooling and unreliable job promises

Business Computer Training Inst
BCTI I went in and was intrested in possibly attending the school. I asked them what all it took to attend and they told me a High School Diplomia or GED. I had neither. They had me fill out paper work and

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
I attended this institute in 2000. I am now re-enrolling in college to further my training. I have to borrow more money to get the proper training and I am still paying on my student loan from BCTI

Business Computer Training Institute false credentials, job promises, instilling false hope, preying on the weak

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
BCTI - Business Computer Training Institute Rip-Off $10,000 not well spent

Business Computer Training Institute Recruited me at the Unemployment Department, signed me up for student loans and have now apparently vanished into the night

Business Computer Training Institute, ripoff