Simple Escapes
AP9 Simple Escapes - IK9 Simple Escapes - Adaptive Marketing RIPOFF Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Education & Science

My credit card company contacted me today about a payment. Upon hearing my balance owed, I questioned how could I owe that much when I rarely use the card.

It all started in December. A company listed as SimpleEscapes had been billing my credit card monthly. I am disputing these charges of course. When I called the company, I was told that I had signed up through an infomercial. Yea, Right!

According to their records I received a $50 walmart gift card. That never happened. I have had to cancel all my credit cards and file a police report. It seems this company does this quite often. And get away with it. That is the scary part.

Oxford, Michigan

Company: Simple Escapes
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
Phone: 8003074570
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Simple Escapes
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