Ripoff will not refund my money or contact me

Education & Science

I tried it out thinking that the companies were going to make you fill out forms like tax sheets to pay you by mail. I Did not feel comfortable with the survey so i decided to send them an email stated that i wanted a full refund back or if they could contact me as soon as possible. I even searched for the number to contact them and all i hear is a buzzing noise. THen i called an operator to check it the number exist in ohio. It doesn't exist. I also tried to look for the bank that I gave my money too but no luck.

Company: SurveyScout
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Marysville
Address: 15741 US 36 East, PMB 305
Phone: 9373030005
  <     >  


Survey Scout
Total Ripoff on Refund Policy I have Waited over 3 Weeks! Internet

Survey Scout
Rip Off Artists Flower Mound

Com can not get in contact with them to ask for a refund

Survey Scout
Ripoff. Will not refund my money, as stated when i joined, and no response from emails Does Not Appear does not appear Internet
Survey Scout does not pay for surveys! They just steal your money! Internet

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Web Survey Secrets - Survey Scout, Surveyscout don't put your email to receive the free info of WEB SURVEY SECRETS Internet nationwide

A Huge Rip-Off... Survey Scout -
Survey Scout - - Paid Survey ScamA Huge Rip-Off... Promised Refund But Never Delivered. U.S.A

Another victim of SurveyScout

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