International Profit Associates (IPA)
Beware beware beware, if you want to stay in business avoid ipa

Education & Science

My story is the same as most everyone else that has posted here as well as the inc magazine soundoff page. First we got the telemarketing call. Luck just so has it that we were at a point in our business that we felt that we could use a little outside "HELP".

The first guy comes in, and older guy that claimed to have been with as well as in the business for a long time, and he was here to help. We were in such desperate need of help that he was kind enough to knock the original $750.00 fee fown to $300.00. He called the "crisis manager" to see if we "qualified" for the "crisis team" to come in. WOW, we were special enough to have the crisis team come in. How lucky could we be?

The next day, a Thursday 2 guys showed up to help us. But apparently thier real objective was to help themselves to our money which was scarce. Ie. The fact that we needed the help.

They milked the clock for those 2 days. The "Project manager" basically sat there staring at a computer screen whenever we were around, and doing nothing else when we werent. He sat and told our secretaty about his wife and kids, basically charging $250.00 plus per hour to sit around and bullshit. I should have them out, but I had hope that the "crisis team" was going to help us.

The first bill was for over $10,000.00 as they headed off after 2 days to fly home. One of them to fly back on Monday to continue.

To make an even longer story short, They got us for over $25,000.00 I stopped payment on some checks, but they still got over $20,000.00. And now come the threats to take it to court for the balance. What did I get for $25,000. A budget spreadsheet program was written, even though we already had a better one on Quickbooks. A cash flow program was written. Again, also on quickbooks. We were being charger $250.00 plus per hour for "consulting" and what we got was a highly paid computer programmer.

After the guy left on the last day, I faxed a complaint letter to Chris Moniz in the main office. She called later that afternoon in total disbelief. "I've never had such a complaint about ANY of our field representatives" she says to me. "I'll check into this and get back to you shortly. It's been over 2 months, and believe it or not, I never heard from her again. I stopped payment on checks the next day. It took them a month th realize, but when they did, the calls started coming. I voiced my complaints through faxes, and they offered to knock a little over $1,000.00 if I sent them a check that day and signed an agreement not to say anything disparraging about them. I think everyone in the country needs to be warned about these guys, and from what I've read, up dere in Canada too eh.

Company: International Profit Associates (IPA)
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Buffalo Grove
Address: 1250 Barclay Blvd
Phone: 8005317100
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International Profit Associates - IPA - Chris Moniz
Scamming small businesses out of huge money

IPA, International Profit Associates
IPA International, Profit Associates Misrepresesentation and misleading, scam, will put you out of business

International Profit Associates, International Tax Advisors, I.P.A., i.T.A. Don't let these guys try to "help" you! Scam! Fraud! Rip Off!

Superior Telemarketing
AKA Carisa Sanders Telemarketing Paid $720 for 50 hours of telemarketing services. Never got a dime's worth

International Profit Associates IPA International Tax Associates ITA
Arrogant thieves deliberately stealing your money RIPOFF

Crunch scam

International Profit Associates
No value for what they charge, scam, scam, scam. They will rip you off and not give you anything of value. Ripoff

IPA, International Profit Advisors, ITA, International Tax Advisors AKA Sharks
IPA, International Profit Advisors, ITA, International Tax Advisors SHARKS - Are not there to help you improve your business. Got ripped off 14k in 2 days

IPA International Profit Associates
IPA, International Profit Associates Nationwide Ripoff scam rips-off small business

Finacial Crisis Grants
You don, t have to be there to be ripped off check where the site you are signing up for may send your information