Hasn't & won't pay insurance although they have already collected escrow funds for this. Ripoff!

Education & Science

Countrywide assumed my mortgage from First Magnus in May of last year. First Magnus twice sent them the mortgage packet, including my insurance info that informs them that I have 3 insurance policies: homeowners, flood and hurricane. Whoever received the info at Countrywide not only misentered policy numbers, expiration dates, and premium amounts but also failed to notify the insurance agencies that they now held the mortgage and would be paying the insurance from my escrow funds.

Noticing (online) problems in the policies numbers, I began to try to contact Countrywide to ask about this in October; when my letters and all but 1 of my emails were ignored (and that one seemed to be speaking about someone else's account), I contacted Countrywide's Customer (anything but-) Support Department. After several calls where no one could help because their computer system was down, I finally got through, to spend over one and 1/2 hours (mostly in wait-time) and discover that my flood insurance had expired in October (the insurance agency says they sent multiple notices to First Magnus, who insists they forwarded each to Countrywide).

While collecting escrow funds since May for the 3 insurance policies, each marked on my online account with: "It is the responsibilty of COuntrywide to pay this premium, " they are refusing to pay the flood premium out of these funds. They have yet to pay ANY premium since the other 2 policies aren't due until April, so at this time, the escrow fund has more than enough to cover the sum due.

I also can't get them to release the escrow funds that have been collected for the pseudo account that they list under my policies (in the place of the proper flood policy). Does anyone know if there are any federal regulations on misappropriation of escrow funds???

Company: Countrywide
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: Van Nuys Ca
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