S.I.R.S., Sweepstakes Information Repoting Services

Education & Science

I recieved a letter in the mail saying I won 525,439 dollars. I sent in the 21.95. Just to find that this was a scam. If there is a lawsuit, I wish to be contacted, so that I may be part of it.

IF by chance the people that are doing this happen to read this, you should be very ashamed of what you have done to so many innocent people.

Company: S.I.R.S., Sweepstakes Information Repoting Services
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 36999
Phone: 7026481837
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National Sweepswakes Reporting Service

The Sweepstakes Audit Bureau

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services
Ripoff win $525,439 but you have to pay 21.95 to process paper work which is accepted by mail only

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services Aka S.I.R.S
Ripoff! Scammed! False sweepstakes!

CDRA US Sweepstakes Advisors Paul E Loukedes
Ripoff Sweepstakes Scamming Mail Fraud Wants Bank Account Numbers - Another Florida rip-off business getting away with it. Florida authorities will do nothing like thousands of other scamming businesses hiding in Florida

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services Aka S.I.R.S
Sweepstakes information reporting services, s.I.R.S. Ripoff mail scam

The Sweepstakes Audit Bureau
Sent me a letter of confirmation that I needed to response to this letter are I will forfiet my sweepstakes winnings. I have to sign a document and summit a $5.00 fee in order to get my sweepstakes wi

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services Aka S.i.r.s

S.I.R. S - Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services
S.I.R. S (Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services) IT'S A SCAM! Do not send them money! Ripoff!