1st Link Benefits
Biggest ripoff fraud company ever!

Education & Science

Like everyone else, my story is exactly the same with little variances here and there. This company stole all my money 3 days before christmas, and much to my surprise... Its IMPOSSIBLE to get them on the phone! I work as a legal assistant for several attorneys who specialize in white collar fraud and business fraud, and I would like to know if there is going to be any kind of class-action lawsuit.

Also, I was very shocked to see how many new victims have been added to this website since only a few weeks ago. I am hopeful that these people can be stopped, and they will at the very least never do this to anyone again.

Company: 1st Link Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 100 A Walnut St., Ste. 100
Phone: 8003150356
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IW - Living Lean
The company is charging unauthorized charges to my credit card and I don't even know how they received my cc information. This is fraud and they must be stopped Las Vegas

Okie Corp., Prime Peripherals
Consumer fraud LOW-Class Action

Peoples Rebates Association
Ripoff & fraud

First Link Benefits
Ripoff dishonest people and company

Ripoff Fraud Artist Charged bank account after canceling Want to start class action lawsuit

Local Ad Link, a Beyond Commerce Company - BYOC. ob
Local Ad Link does not pay. It has no money. Fraud. False advertising. Help others Henderson

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Donald Patrick Bolena
Of White Collar Crime, Fraud & Con Artist on his way to CA

Spyware On Your Computer And You Cannot Cancel And billing fraud and unable to contact and Big Mistake Ripoff

Matthew Aaron
"Matty" Fraud, unstable employee