Net Ripoff This company is Sketch Orange California

Education & Science

IXP.net has a little ritual they follow to convince new people to join their company. I'm 18 years old, and I'm a college student. I have a job currently, and am a typical college kid. Money sounds really good to me. So a friend of mine tells me they are involved in this marketing company and they can talk to their manager to see if i can get an interview. The next thing i know, he has me hooked up with a meeting with some manager
I try to ask him about this company but all i get is "it's this marketing company" he tells me that i have to dress professionally, and meet this manager at a local coffee shop. Honestly, I'm thinking, shouldn't I be meeting in an office, in this company's building? So i meet this manager, and I find out he is like in his early 20's, dropped out of college and is making a lot of money in this "marketing business". He asks me about myself, what i do, where i go to school, where i see myself in the future, and what goals I have for myself. He specifically asks me WHAT my friend has tolde me about this company. I was not even sure how to answer this question because when I thought about it, I did not know the name of the company, much less what it was. I vaguely remembered something about a marketing company, and that is what i said. It seemed as if he was checking up on my friend, making sure he had not told me too much about this company.

Which leads me to my next point. He tells me that he would like me to attend this MEETING at a hotel. I still have no clue what this company really is. So, I agree to go. I get there, and am greeted by about 50 people who I discover are all about 18-23. I see a bunch of guys who actually went to my high school and are all successful in this business. Every person there is all excited and happy. And they keep trying to get me to drink water. And they all are rushing to get to the front of the room for the presentation. Honestly, I have never seen people like this, it's almost not normal.

I'm pretty much thinking, what have I gotten myself into, but I was interested in finding out what this company was all about.

I walk into this room and there is this huge stage with techno music blasting and people running around the room and on the stage.

I'm thinking that I made a big mistake coming here.

They start of this presentation by telling us that 5% of college graduates will be independant and financially stable and wealthy by the age of 65. The other 95% will not be independant financially, they will be dead, or broke.

Well thanks for the motivation there. They basically, without saying it directly, are saying that we are going to be poor unless we join this company. And i restate, they don't directly say it, but by the end of the presentation, it all comes together and this is their motive in telling us this information.

Next, they go into detail about how you can make a LOT of money, all you have to do is join this company, get 2 other people to join, and tehn get a bunch of customers to buy this IXP service.

Oh, but then, after they have made you doubt your college degree, have pushed you to believe that there are lots of opportunities in this company, after they have showed off their expensive suits and talked about how they have come such a long way in life, they quickly add that you have to pay 300 dollars to join this.

I think they push their expensive cars and nice clothes and money around to make all these young people think they are going to have those things too. Which is why the majority of the people in this company, or at least at my meeting, were all YOUNG. Because most young people are naive and don't have a lot of money. But as soon as you throw an opportunity in front of them to make all this money, duh, most people are going to jump on it. Without thinking about it first.

As soon as this little meeting was over, my friend started filling out this paper with my information on it. Then at the end, he says, ok so cash or credit. Ummm yeah, sorry I don't just spend 300 dollars on a whim everyday. I hardly know anything about this company, the people involved in it, and i can't trust this company yet.

He talks to the other managers, and they are like oh ok well, just fill out this paper with a bunch of people who could be potential customers and meet me tomrrow.

Yeah right, why would I shovel out $300 without thinking about it overnight.

They shove all this information at you, make you think it's such a great opportunity, and then don't even give you time to think about it. That is because they don't want you to. Becaues if you go home and think about it, you realize that its a little shady. They just expected me to hand them over a check? Yeah right.

I did not end up meeting with that guy, and I told my friend I'm not interested in joining.

They have a routine in getting people to join: you meet with a manager, but its not even a real interview, then you go to a meeting at a hotel, where they try to shove all this information about money into your brain. You get all excited thinking that you are going to be making thounsands of dollars a month, because, hey look at these other people who are.

Wrong. I have talked to other people who have gotten into this business and they have not really made much money.

Oh yeah, not to mention that they actaully give you a specific SPEECH you have to give your friends in order to invite them to meetings. They tell you to do it over the phone because it's easier to avoid questions. They tell you to give as little information about the company as possible, because that way you will get more ppl to come to the meetings.

I'm not saying this company is a scam, but I think it is very deceitful. They are shady - they have a set way to lure people into joining this company, and they want you to join ASAP that night, bc they don't want you to get advice from other people about whether you should join or not, and they don't want you to think it over. After reading someone else's report on their experience when they were trying to be convinced to join - that is when it really hit me how sketchy they are.

They have trained individuals or "managers" to lure young people to join by parading around in nice suits, cars, and talking about expensive trips out of the country. No offense to anyone who is one of theswe managers, I'm sure you are decent poeple, but you have been trained to do something very shady.

I just don't think I trust a company who can't be upfront with people about what the company is actually about. They have to leave out information and keep you clueless til you get to the meeting, so they can get to you think you will be making money, and you will just wnat to join right away.

Whether this company is a scam or not, depends on how you look at it. Maybe you will make a little money, maybe not. But I do not trust it at all.

Company: Ixp
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: ixp.net
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One of my friends recruited me when i was in Highschool, I had to pay about $450 to be able to join the company. After that they wanted me to recruit more people and pormised me to make thousands of dollars a week. City Of Industry

Fantaz.com / this a web-site trying to get people to join to get their friends to join by playing their games and making money in the process by getting them to join sounds like a pyramid to me!

Ripoff scam dishonest cult

Dr Luis Arriaza - Dennis Wong - IXP.net - 2by2.net
Ripoff MLM SCAM They will steal your money make false promises and rip you off

World Financial Group
With AEGON Is It A Scam or A Business... Answer exposed

Palmetto Marketing
Ripoff, I have information where they are now and the next city they are going to also where they are staying right now

Scammed by a bunch of scammers! Wanting list of references so you can rip-off innocent new hires Crimerica canniving weasel Jim Lam

Its a cult! Do not go to their meetings or be sucked in as a "primerica rep!"

Yor.com, Yor.net, Yor Voice
Big huge rip off scam for young people like myself!

Horrible Business Recruiting Tactics! Beware!