Septic MAXX
Septic MAXX Doesn't WORK!

Construction & Repair

Septic MAXX offered me an item only a little over per month before within the telephone for my septic system which had moist places within the lawn. They guaranteed that I'd get benefits within thirty days or I'd get my cash back. After utilizing the item for 28 times the moist places remained unchanged. I named them-and informed them-it was not operating and requested about returning the merchandise to get a return. They advised me that used to donot be eligible for the one month test since I have settled having a C.C. I believe that's B.S. Has other people handled the corporation? Any suggestions about just how to follow this issue futher???

Company: Septic MAXX
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Delray Beach
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Septic Maxx
Septic Maxx, AJ Larkin Unnecessary Septic Additives

Septic maxx
Called my grandmother and tried to sell her this product. Using scare tactics saying her septic would break if she didnt purchase this product. I have researched this company stay away s scam alert hide your older relatives

Septic Magic inc
Represent themselves as FBK products and tell you the FBK septic helper is no good

Septic Relief Now Inc
Septic Magic Septic Scam Septic Snake Oil Sales Internet

Septic Magic
Didn't stand behind their guarantee, and refund 181.95

FBK Products - Selective Health
Update: new soliciting for 1. Correction to original product & 2. Septic insurance ripoff Boynton Beach Florida

JC Septic Service, Inc
Jc Septic pumped out our septic tank and 4 months later when the tank backed up he refused to examine the problem without charging a callout fee

Septic Systems that work properly don't need to be pumped!

Hera Tech Inc
Hera Tech Inc., incompetent, thieves

Septic Relief
Septic Relief Now No product recieved, restocking charges never mentioned but are outragous