Perfection Roofing and Siding
Offensive Sales Tactics, Harrassment

Construction & Repair

One evening in June, we answered a knock on the door to find a person named Russ Morton of Perfection Roofing and Siding in Victoria, BC. Mr. Morton indicated he was in our neighbourhood for a roofing job, and was taking the opportunity to approach possible new customers based on the state of their roofs as visible from the street.

During the twenty-minute sales pitch, Mr. Morton employed the word retard at least five times in reference to other local roofing contractors and their employees. His point was apparently that in Victoria, his company is the only one qualified to install a particular brand of roofing material. Whenever a company must resort to insulting their competition with abusive and inappropriate language, it raises a red flag in regards to the competence of their own business.

As a result, this conversation did not sit well with us, so the following day, we called Mr. Morton back to indicate that based on the conversation, we were not interested in using his service.

Mr. Morton followed this up with no fewer than three more phone calls to our house, one of which was answered, and two of which where he left messages on our answering machine.

During the live phone call, Mr. Morton continued his rude and high-pressure sales tactics, including using the phrase, a person of intelligence would realize that his service was the best in town, inferring that our decision to decline his service was somehow not intelligent.

Then, in yet another follow-up message on our answering machine, he began with, You even sound nervous on your answering machine, inferring that my wife is just generally a nervous person unable to arrive at an intelligent decision. As a final insult before hanging up, he suggests that she Go back to sleep, as if she isnt thinking clearly due to fatigue. All together, this phone call amounts to a seriously flawed response to a rejection of an unsolicited sales pitch.

In our fifteen years of home ownership, we have never encountered any sales person who was as arrogant, condescending, rude, insensitive and insulting, all at the same time. We object to these tactics, and suggest that Mr. Morton should closely examine and revise his methods. This sales approach is bound to dissuade many from using what may indeed be a competent service and a quality product, but the level of badgering and inconsiderate allusions employed by Mr. Morton makes it easy for us to reject his amateurish approach.

In response to an unsolicited sales call, a single phone call to decline a service should be sufficient. Having to field an amazing three further calls from this person amounts to harassment, especially when considering the language used in the phone calls and the initial door-to-door contact was also objectionable.

Company: Perfection Roofing and Siding
Country: USA
Address: 1705 Oak Shade Lane
Phone: 2505906125
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Perfection Roofing and Siding
Russ Morton, Russell Montgomery Morton Perfection Roofing and Siding Offensive Sales Tactics, Harrassment Internet

Elaine Morton Sued by Steve Simonton
Elaine Morton Sued by Steve Simonton | Judgment Placed | BEWARE of Elaine Morton | OIL TOOLS |

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Perfection Roofing and Siding
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United States Post Office
Registered mail is a total joke. Use UPS if you want your package to arrive Morton, IL Hertford, NC. Illinois & North Carolina