Warren Wayne Krueger
Fraud ripoff con remodeling sheetrock construction painting home owner fast-talking con man piss-poor construction work Fremont-newark

Construction & Repair

My sister and father bought a house and hired a "contractor, " named Warren Wayne Krueger - "Wayne" - to do various repair/remodel tasks. As it turns out, this guy was not a contractor at all, but rather a fast-talking con man with very little actual construction skills.

Everything in my sister's house that this idiot worked on is either: done wrong, unfinished, damaged, or not up to local building code. Wayne was paid over $19,000 total (my father has it all itemized), some of which he then paid to several different sub-contractors for various phases of remodeling. Much of this work is also of very poor quality.

The tile work, which covers the entire 3000 sq. Ft. Floor, is some of the worst I have ever seen. The pictures speak for themselves.

I should note that some of the sub-contracted work was done well, including the roof and some of the framing.

As for the work that Wayne did himself, I have spent the last three weeks redoing, repairing and/or replacing it, and still am not finished. The only thing Wayne seemed to do with any precision was drink ALOT of beer, which was probably a contributing factor to the piss-poor quality of his work.

He installed windows upside down, left whole rolls of insulation uninstalled in the attic, capped off plumbing air vents, "patched" rotted floor joists with 18 inch scabs using two nails apiece... The list goes on and on. The pictures are worth a thousand words.

Company: Warren Wayne Krueger
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newark
Address: Truckee Ct
Phone: 5104060101
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