Arca Construction Inc
Do not hire ARCA Construction without reading this review and checking with the city of PSL

Construction & Repair

Do not hire ARCA Construction without reading this review and checking with the city of PSL, Alan Landers work is poor at best. He was cited by the city of Port St Lucie for using a unlicensed subcontractor for our drywall (Claud Fabian) I was told by this guy after the fact that Alan Landers tried to get him to falsify documents saying that he was a long time employee of ARCA construction. Bottom line this guy is just a small time Con Man. Prior to starting his contracting company he was a delivery driver for a soda company, not sure how he thought that qualified as prior construction experience. He could not even stain or properly cut baseboards. His crew turned out to be his wife and a neighbor that needed work for a day. (The term Con Man or Conman may refer to: A con artist, or a person who uses a fraud method known as a confidence trick.) That definition should also include this contractor. Other reviews around the web also seem to be the same exact reviews but with diffrent names. He also damaged my home by not taking proper steps to mask off areas or use tarps to protect the floors. He damaged items that he should have removed before starting to remove a popcorn ceiling. Like our $300 dollar ceiling fan. He even removed his listing from Google places to remove this public review. Feel free to check with the City of Port St Lucie for a copy of his citation for using unlicensed sub contractors. His slogan TEAMWORK to make your DREAM WORK! Is more like what nightmares are made of. He also stated two friends had died, as an excuse for delays, when in fact he was in having legal issues with a diffrent customer. I over heard him telling Claud Fabian (his soon to be found out unlicensed subcontractor) this when he was telling him why he would not be working with him that day. I have the documents and photos to back my statments in this review

Company: Arca Construction Inc
Country: USA
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