'sleep to live' 'myside' kingsdown by snooze... A dud

Construction & Repair

My wife went into snooze, the major mattress retailer in australia, to their south yarra store to buy a mattress. I was in the hospital at the time. She was told by the salesman that the best way to buy a mattress was to use their proven computer system called 'sleep to live'... It seemed quite reasonable at the time as the salesman was caring and sincere and snooze advertising jingle is'we take the guesswork out of buying a mattress'... So she relied on his advice thinking that the commuter would make the best decision for us and recommend the most appropriate mattress for our needs from all the brands snooze carried. That was not the case as the salesman didn't bother to tell her that the 'sleep to live[better call it'dying to sleep'] computer system was invented by kings down and is a gimmick used to sell only their mattresses. So she lay down on the mattress that was hooked up to the computer and the salesman asked her a host of questions and loi and behold the computer recommended an american made mattress called a series 8. It was delivered and it had a foul smell so obligingly snooze exchanged it and the second mattress delivered also smelly[not as bad]. We slept on it but after a few weeks of trying to get used to it we complained as it had a hump, a slant and was uncomfortable. The retailer in response to our complaint that the mattress was causing back. Neck pain they told us it takes six weeks to get used to whereas they previously told us it would take two weeks to '... Get used to', which they now denied. After around two months when the smell didn't recede nor the hump os slant disappear and our backs/neck and arms were consistently in pain we became more insistent and called upon the warranty. We were told to come in and they would exchange the mattress for us a second time but would not provide a refund as the mattress had no 'major defect'... Off course they interpret that having a hump and a slant and smelling and being entirely unsuitable for the purpose it was purchased is not... Yes... Is NOT a major defect! I have asked by email SNOOZE and KINGSDOWN to spell out the definition of the wording 'major defect' but neither will even reply... Effectively the warranty is useless. The retail franchisor [SNOOZE]owned by the south african STEINHOFF group will not reply nor will STEINHOFF. We paid $5400australian dollars... Around $6000us dollars and the mattress is a dud. We sleep in our kids beds and I was just sent to hospital for a spinal/disc MRI as i have now permanent neck and arm pain. We are seeking redress from consumer affairs. It is a pit that all of this anguish could have been avoided if only we had done our research on the internet before buying as we would have discovered that we are victims of these sharpies as many before us.

Company: Kingsdown
Country: USA
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