Roof Shield Systems
Amber T postings

Construction & Repair

Top Guard Methods - Planting, FL Emerald T aka Amber Temkin Henna Celebration is defaming Top Guard Methods Anthony R Meurer with fake innuendo Emerald T is marketing another item in the detriment to my great title and report of service. Your claims which were produced by you had been written down with this publishing website are libelous, fake & malicious defamation of personality. We've approached the Administrator and submitted to the lawyer easy chance of the publishing and therefore are quest for legitimate treatment and civil problems for this unwarranted assault in addition to municipal legal costs for utilizing a stalking horse advertising scam to advertise a brand. Our callers are informed that they can be watched and documented for quality guarantee to offset any initiatives similar to this kinds of salacious misrepresentations of our organization planis methods, and qualifying required services.

Yelp is in violation of its reported process but will not take away the extortive tactical harassment horse smear, observe all articles eliminated by Yelp in reaction retorts to Amber Temkin

Per the conditions of yelp

Iv. Promote a small business or other industrial enterprise or occasion, or else make use of the Support for industrial reasons, except regarding the a Small Business Consideration so that as specifically allowed by Yelp;

Your company doesn't utilize additional firm's items as was the merchandise you had been asking about inside your defaming statements: continues to be prosecuted see Google results for Permitting paying people with high-ranking to publish accusatory phrases without permitting a retort in the organization under unwarranted salacious lib-less search engine marketing techniques smear campaigns

We've all of the concerns the client must request when investing in a top finish item on our site

Expensive Administrator:

Your Person In Emerald T is marketing another item in the detriment to my customers brand. We've preserved her libelous statements in a live snap-shot of the publishing Jan and therefore are quest for legitimate fix for civil problems in addition to municipal legal costs for this unwarranted assault utilizing a stalking horse advertising scam to advertise a manufacturer, " Somay"

Callers are informed that they can be documented for quality guarantee to offset any initiatives similar to this kinds of libelous salacious misrepresentations of Mr Meurers claims, organization planis, methods, and qualifying company answers.

Per your Conditions of Service Contract

Emerald T has Leary broke the Conditions of Service Contract:

Per the conditions of yelp

Iv. Promote a company or other industrial enterprise or occasion, or else make use of the Support for industrial reasons, except regarding the a Company Consideration so that as specifically authorized by Yelp.

Please Recommend

Anthony R Meurer and

A Lawyer

Michael Cohen

Top Guard Methods has all of the concerns the client must request when taking a look at various kinds of top layer and color products. The costs are published on our site website for installation and item purchase requests about the items site on our site the top shop internet

Expensive Administrator:

Your Person In Emerald T is marketing another item in the detriment to my customers brand. We've preserved her libelous statements in a live snap-shot of the publishing Jan and therefore are quest for legitimate fix for civil problems in addition to municipal legal costs for this unwarranted assault utilizing a stalking horse advertising scam to advertise a manufacturer, " Somay"

Callers are informed that they can be documented for quality guarantee to offset any initiatives similar to this kinds of libelous salacious misrepresentations of Mr Meurers claims, organization planis, methods, and qualifying company answers.

Per your Conditions of Service Contract

Emerald T has Leary broke the Conditions of Service Contract:

Per the conditions of yelp

Iv. Promote a company or other industrial enterprise or occasion, or else make use of the Support for industrial reasons, except regarding the a Company Consideration so that as specifically authorized by Yelp.

Please Recommend

Anthony R Meurer and

A Lawyer

Michael Cohen

Reposted evidently eliminated by yelp


Top Guard Methods has all of the concerns the client must request when taking a look at various kinds of top layer and color products. The costs are published on our site website for installation and item purchase requests about the items site on our site the top shop internet

Expensive Administrator:

Your Person In Emerald T is marketing another item in the detriment to my customers brand. We've preserved her libelous statements in a live snap-shot of the publishing Jan and therefore are quest for legitimate fix for civil problems in addition to municipal legal costs for this unwarranted assault utilizing a stalking horse advertising scam to advertise a manufacturer, " Somay"

Callers are informed that they can be documented for quality guarantee to offset any initiatives similar to this kinds of libelous salacious misrepresentations of Mr Meurers claims, organization planis, methods, and qualifying company answers.

Per your Conditions of Service Contract

Emerald T has Leary broke the Conditions of Service Contract:

Per the conditions of yelp

Iv. Promote a company or other industrial enterprise or occasion, or else make use of the Support for industrial reasons, except regarding the a Company Consideration so that as specifically authorized by Yelp.

Please Recommend

Anthony R Meurer

A Lawyer

Michael Cohen

Company: Roof Shield Systems
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
  <     >  


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