Island Furniture Co
I bought a puppy from her a few years ago Liverpool

Construction & Repair

I bought a puppy from her a few years ago and he was so sick when I got him with kennel cough, giardia and luxating patella's. We spend over $950.00 just to get him well. And then
another $4,500.00 on knee surgery (total both knees) once he was older (a little
over a year) and finished growing.By then he could barely walk, it was

When i contacted her after getting him she
first did not answer my calls or emails. When she did she said she had been on
vacation to mexcio or some place like
that. But she said I was a liar and told me to F - off. Literally! And then when
I contacted her about the surgery she said pretty much the same thing. After
that she started sending random emails about jesus and how I should be

She also preaches at the Born
Again Christian church in Tulsa, you
could try there as well!

Company: Island Furniture Co
Country: USA
Address: Liverpool
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Island Furniture Company
I bought a puppy from her a few years ago New York

Acura Cockapoos
Dee Van Laan, Debra, Debbie, Deb Breeder sold me sick pup with damaged knees and other issues

Heather Fairchild
Sold me a very sick puppy, don't go here and purchase a puppy!

Steve Kruse - Ray Trockmanton
Ripoff Scam Dog Brokers Didn't want to buy from a puppy mill but did not know West Point

They sold me a dog with gentic issues and they told me to pay vet bills and then they would pay half back to me as it states in there legal binding contract but no funds were paid back

Puppy Depot
Ripoff selling sick puppies

D&A Kennel
Dawn And Antone sold us a M bulldog puppy, sick when we got him, died in a month, wouldn't honor the 4 year guarentee that came witht the purchase of the puppy

Gold Standard Kennel Alicia Lutz
Puppies with bad health and genetics including hip dysplasia

Lost Islands Chihuahuas
Tina Horth Sells sick puppies

Tonya Resendiz Tony Ramirez
Tonya Ramirez Of Tonya Wanted to euthanize a puppy with conditions that are not life threatening