Shoddy goods!

Construction & Repair

Having invested more than one thousand pounds on floor at floors2go when it arrived Tony living room ground being changed a went right back and bought enough trademark plus Bright walnut floor to restore my living room through into my dining area, having selected trademark plus having a 25yr promise I had been pleased the standard could be great. Reduced and see significantly less than 2yrs in I've Bright sides showing about the panels which obtain many traffic, i approached HQ who explained to get hold of my shop, this I did so plus they offered me the contact quantity of the region assessor. Once the assessor arrived he stated he'd create a study and also the shop might contact me inside a week, nicely surprise surprise-they did not and so I called them simply to discover that they'dnot obtained his statement but stated they'd contact him, pursuing his statement the store-manager approached me stating his statement was obscure and he'd prefer to trip to examine for herself, good, he arrived decided it'd to be always a production problem required some photos and stated he'd return to us! You know what... He did not! We approached the shop again to become informed if we needed any motion to become obtained we'd have to utilize a completely independent assessor to handle humidity tests, chemical tests, the record continues, when we requested where we'd discover this type of person we received a phone number and were informed below u move he costs £75, if he does not find inside your favor we will shut the situation

Don't spend your cash with this organization since when you've paid your cash they truly couldnt provide a material about you!

Company: Floors2go
Country: USA
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BTN Jakarta
Indonesia Deni William scaming personal information usd 7.5 million

Shoddy goods!

Sports Authority
Delivery and Assembly

Lumber Liquidators
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Bruce Hardwood Flooring
This issue would not have been resolved

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