John L Rosario
Genevieve financial services total thief & liar!

Construction & Repair

John L Rosario will steal whatever he can from you! He will tell you nothing but LIES, LIES, LIES. He will make you promises to find you financing to purchase a home and even make investment opportunity offers. But PLEASE BEWARE, he doesn't care about your family or your future, just scamming people to make hispathetic living. But he'll certainly make it seem like he makes alot of money, but the truthis pretty sad. DO NOT GIVE THISDECEITFUL PERSON A PENNY!!! I cannot stressthat enough. But there will be justice for him and every other being that scams people out of their money.

Company: John L Rosario
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Phone: 9547907057
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