Circut City Advantage Protection Plas

Construction & Repair

In I bought a 47" LG LCD HDTV from Circuit City for $1599.99. Being a student not having the cash, I was lead to believer in the extended repair or replace warranties that everything was covered, the cashier individual, so I bought the 3 year Circuit City Advantage Protection plan for around $300.00. I felt like a repair or replace guarantee was a good investment because I aren't rich and wanted to make sure I had a back up should something were to happen to my new investment in the first 3 years of ownership.

Fast forward to December and I start having problems with my TV. I would turn it on but a black screen would appear, with no picture and the sound would barely come up. It was ironic, since the week it started acting up, our store in town shutdown.

Well, I called up the Advantage line to get my repair claim started, and also clarifying with the woman that I would have the T.V. Replaced in a timely manner if it couldn't be fixed and that it was going to be fixed in a timely manner and she said oh, yes, absolutely, we'll have your TV. Taken care of in about a week. I called them right before Christmas for an update on when they will send a technician, so the soonest they could get the repair guy, of course due to the holidays was Dec. 31st, which wasn't a problems since I was going to be out of town.

On Dec. 31st the repair guy shows up during the allotted window they said they'd be there to look at the T.V. He informs me after watching the behavior of the television, that it was the TV screen issue damaged going out and that they were going to have to take it and replace the whole TV, and so since I still had some functionality to my T.V. (Only one I own) he would leave it and come pick it up once he found out if he was going to be able to get it replace. He also informed me, that the company will debate me of the TV being physical damage and rarely were they able to get me a replacement base on my warranty, so then, most likely not to expect the T.V. To be replaced.

So then they instructed the TV repair man not to picked up the TV till they have a full sense of what is wrong with the TV and that they were going to call me right back and let me know about the replacement or getting the TV fix. They Never given me a call nor send the repairman back to talk to me.

So on January 8th, I call the repair shop to find out the status of the TV, and I am informed by the repair shop that they were not going to replace or even fix my TV, they explain to me that it would be way expensive to fix my TV than giving me a new one and seeing that they are not going to want to replace or help with that matter, there were nothing more the repair shop could do for me.

Now at this time hearing that news, I'm not happy at all, he tells me that he will call me back later that day with an update. Well, later that day he calls up with a correction, (Just like the guy who picked up the TV. Originally told us) the part is unavailable, and there is no compatible aftermarket part available that would work with and that they have notified the Circuit City warranty people.

So I call Circuit City Advantage and I'm informed that they can't authorize a replacement, and they direct me to Consumer Relations. Well the first girl I talk to says, that she cannot Authorize a replacement until they first refer it to their "TECHNICAL" department because they have to try and get the part first for the repair company. Then ask, "Well, how on earth do you think that you can get the part if the repair company can’t get the part? Just replace my TV. And be done with it! It's been 2 weeks since the T.V. Quit working properly, and I want a functioning T.V.! She tells me there is nothing she can do until their technical department looks into it and to call back the next day.

So I call back the next day and I get this jerk of a guy who answers and I give all my information AGAIN to him and explain what is going on. He proceeds to tell me that they are going to proceed with the repair and that they were going to obtain the part and that they were not going to issue a replacement.

I told the guy that this was our only T.V., I spent $1599 plus tx on it, and that I could get a bigger, better T.V. For less today, and what on earth was the problem with replacing it since they cost less today. I told the guy, absolutely not, I want my T.V. He said he was not going to authorize the replacement.

I then demanded to speak to his supervisor, he coldly says, "I am the supervisor, there is no one higher than me to speak to." I said, you have to have a boss, you aren't the owner of the company, and he again repeats the same line! (I later found online, someone else who had issues with this plan, got fed the same line I did!) I hang up the phone infuriated, that was on Wednesday, January 9th.

So in need to solve this issue with a store, after our local store closed down due to bullshit marketing of Circuit city greed and lies that the economy forced them to down grade they bullshit online and now they processing their crap online and selling people lies and false bullshit warranties. I drove to Milwaukee and Madison in search of a store that probably still open and operating; I finally manage to find one and explain the situation to him and wanted some form of action to take place on my expense of 1599 plus tax.

The supervisor says he "understands" my frustration but he has to have a claim number from the warranty people to replace it with the T.V. The warranty people pick out. That really got me, and I said, wait what, you mean they are going to tell me what T.V. To get, No, I want a T.V. That cost the same price that we paid 2 years ago, that's equal value! He said, well he can't do anything because he needs the claim number, by this point, I'm getting louder and louder and saying that this has turned out to be the largest rip-off, and the biggest hassle, and he kept say, you'll have to call them, and this takes time.

By that point I'm so angry, I tell him that we will NEVER buy anything from their company ever again, and that I were going to get online and post this experience everywhere we could and tell everyone about what a scam and HASSLE, this NO HASSLE warranty turned out to be. Then as I was walking away, there was an older couple look at a T.V. And I loudly said to them, "Don't let them talk you into their Advantage Protection Plan on a T.V. If you buy one here, it's a rip-off and here now a month without a working T.V. And I still haven't gotten this resolved!" The older gentleman's eyes got really wide and said, "Are you serious?" And I said "Yes!" and stormed out of the storm.

So when I called them jackasses back about my warranty no hassles and no problems all fix and all damage will be taking care of etc. I wanted my return back for my warranty and told them if no one was willing to solve this issue I would be force into getting a lawyer. On the phone the only thing that bitch did for me was laugh at me cause she think there’s nothing I can do about this issue and I want my $1599 plus tax value on a replacement at Circuit City and I WILL NEVER BUY FROM THEM AGAIN.
Their extended warranty is a big fraud and scam!!

Company: Circut City Advantage Protection Plas
Country: USA
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