Pmf - bankcorp robbed, lied to and left for stuipid

Construction & Repair

On April 29 I ordered a lamp from Dargonflylamps.com for Mothers Day. The order was processed and the money cleared the bank and I received a confirmation e-mail saying the lamp would arrive in two to three weeks instead of the two to three days that was originally promised when I ordered. It is now the end of May and still no lamp. On trying to contact Dragonflylamps.com I had no response until my bank started an investigation, a month later. I then received an e-mail saying that my order was held up by a slow boat from China that had to pass customs inspections. I work for the fourth largest port in the Untied States and know all to well about shipping and customs. BEWARE if you get a response from them saying anything like that, it is B.S. On further investigation I have found that the lamp I ordered had been discontinued some time ago. To make matters worse I have read this company is actually out of business. My bank has returned my money and it is now trying to collect from them. Tell everyone you know Dragonflylamps.com are a RIP OFF.

Company: Dragonflylamps.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3250 Century Blvd
Phone: 3108606045
Site: dragonflylamps.com
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Dragonfly Lamps
Www.dragonflylamps.com This company committed a total fraud: advertised wonderful lamps at low price, no shipping charges, eagerly took my hard-earned money, I never heard from them — no lamp — no responses

Bluestar international components limited
Bluestar-online.com Wrong lamp associated to television on internet, No response from customer service, Unable to return

Bluestar International Components
No refund or replacement and no customer service reponse

Sage Ryder - Projector Lamp Center
Sage Ryder, - Projector Lamp Center - took my money and never sent me goods or returned any calls

Projector Lamp Center

Project Lamp Center
No refund when promised

Projector Lamp Center
No lamp, no refund inpossible to reach, only online chat to talk to waited hours with no response

Project Lamp Center, Big Screen Center
Project Lamp Center, Big Screen Center SLOW BOAT FROM CHINA

Projector Lamp Center, SageRyder
Deceptive bussiness practices

Wehavelamps Total Scam Artists! Will not return e-mails or phone calls! Cannot speak to a "Live" person only voice mail