Columbia Construction Services

Construction & Repair

Columbia Construction Companies and Brian Schatzberg and Mark Provenzano are criminals. This number of criminals didn't spend us over $25,000 directly after we conducted subcontract work with them. It got us more than 6 weeks to obtain over $40,000 they owed us and we'd to obtain that cash straight in the operator of the task. These men are complete criminals. They ceased addressing the phone and returning phone calls when somebody did answer the telephone. Beware all subcontractors, the corporation is just a couple of criminals, they'll maintain your cash. They'd several liens recorded against them in California and on a single work.

Company: Columbia Construction Services
Country: USA
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Columbia Construction Services Crooks
Crook David Schatzberg Crook Mark Provenzano Crooks

Columbia Construction Company
David "The Crook" Schatzberg David Schatzberg is a crook. Mark Provenzano is a crook. Columbia Construction Services are Crooks

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Consumer Research Corporation Inc. Aka Rip-off! False Advertising! Aka Rip-off!

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Bad service
If you can see the defect they make you pay for shipping back and then 25% restock fee