Terminix International
Bobby Constantino Wrongful billing and harassment

Construction & Repair

In March after my father's death, I took up temporary residence in his mobile home in Hudson, FL. A joint heir, I did so with the approval of the estate, for cleanup and preparation for resale.
Terminix subsequently began billing me for services rendered. They continue to do so, despite my having moved out in October, and being bought out of the estate in March.
And they continue to do so, despite my advising them that all bills during this period were not my sole responsibility, but paid out of the estate (i.E., jointly paid by all three heirs).
They even had the gall to send me a renewal form.
And when the serviceman, Bobby Constantino, showed up, he hung around like he owned the place, refusing to leave in prompt fashion. It is he who continues to harass me, sending bills to me rather than to the executor of the estate.

Company: Terminix International
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 9390 N. Florida Ave
Phone: 8139154080
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