The Kitchen Medic Inc
Chris Corrales Punched hole in drain pipe and caused mold plus damage which will result in need for redo. Won't pay as promised

Construction & Repair

I never dreamed that my small project would be handled in such a slip-shod way as to require what amounts to a complete redo to repair the damage caused by the principal and operative technician of Kitchen Medic.

I have noted 5 issues for this dispute:
1. Destruction of kitchen caused by improper drilling into drain pipe and refusal to pay.
2. Dining room windows damage to frames.
3. Damaged and destroyed property.
4. Kitchen bay garden window damage.
5. Taking on and prioritizing new clients to my detriment.

1. Chris Corrales, owner of Kitchen Medic, drilled a hole in a major drain pipe. The leak destroyed the drywall, soaked and stained the installed back splash, and created a hazardous mold condition.
10/28/09 The adjuster reported to Kitchen Medic and to me, "the Lincoln General policy for The Kitchen Medic excludes mold damage. One of the attachments herein is for mold abatement, i.E. An estimate from A-Float in the amount of $1,714.31. As this is not covered under the policy, it will be the responsibility of The Kitchen Medic."
11/14/09 When I did not hear back from Kitchen Medic, I protested directly reviewing the situation including "Further, your stalling puts the process and my household at greater risk and inconvenience. Aside from mold exposure, I note that the tear-down and restoration could have been done in a dry warm time of year.instead, we are nearing the wet season which will cause more filth and disarray to my home during the repair process.
I have given you enough time to digest the information. I expected to hear from you after John Fillers adjustment report back in reference to your intentions, it is telling that I am put in a position to have to chase you for your co-operation."
11/17/09 Chris Corrales called. He promised to send half the estimate of $1714.31 immediately 11/17 to demonstrate good faith. That would be $857. He also promised that I would have the balance by Friday 11/27. That would be $857.31. Then I could get started on the repairs. I wrote out the details and read Chriss statement back to him to confirm our understanding. He said that we were in agreement.
I am truly sorry to say that I was not surprised when Chris Corraless promises were broken. There was no follow-through to his sincere sounding statements. That has been my unhappy experience as his client throughout our association. Chris Corrales, in this and my other dealings with him, seems to have acted like a smooth talking con-man.
2. Chris Corrales of Kitchen Medic was to seal the dining room windows before application of texture and paint. The result was blobby thick sealant up and down the frames. This certainly affects the value of the house. When I broached the issue to Chris, he said he had become overly aggressive product. When I complained, he tried to paint over the globs to camouflage the problem, but it still looks awful. The problem was not caused by over aggressiveness. It was caused by lack of proper prep-work. It was caused by lack of attention to or interest in quality. This was a pattern that showed time and again. A few moments taken to tape off the work area would have protected my property.
3. I paid Kitchen Medic for a pack consequence, so much dish ware went missing, that I was forced to buy new. Further, Chris Corrales drilled right through important personal items, ruining them. He slopped adhesive on more. Kitchen Medic was not thorough in the pack out. A few moments taken to care for the property or to do the construction preliminary work in an appropriate place such as outside or in the garage, would have left my possessions intact.
4. The large kitchen bay window was not protected from damage. Paint and caulk was spattered and smeared on the anodized frame as well as the glass, thus ruining the appearance. Kitchen Medic did not use protective tape or tarp.
Even after several attempts to clear the glass and frame of the debris, the area advertises shoddy craftsmanship. Any potential buyer will see the need to redo that part of the project. The sloppy caulking and spatter, therefore, is not only unpleasant to see, but also hurts the value of my home. It is particularly egregious because the area is in a prominent spot. Of the 6 homes that have been remodeled in my neighborhood, mine is the only one to have suffered this damage. The other contractors clearly have a secret procedure (use of blue tape and tarp perhaps) that leaves their work looking professional.

5. My small project should have taken and I was originally promised 2 months. When there seemed to be a delay, I assumed I could expect it to take no more than 3 months. With one excuse and broken promise after another, it took 2 years plus.

My confidence in the company deteriorated over time. My project was pushed to the back burner and allowed to languish for long periods without a reasonable work schedule. Kitchen Medic prioritized other projects and certainly ignored mine. Where was professional oversight to assure acceptable performance? My house and I were treated with a decided lack of respect.

I lived without a kitchen or livable space for over a year and a half causing much extra expense and distress. I spent countless hours on the phone, on the computer and face to face trying to advance the project, seeking to discover what was going on, if something was being done, planning to be done, if something could be done to avoid further delays and insure quality, if whatever was causing delays could be fixed and how and when. I feel I was forced to work as the practicing project manager as I was the only one functioning to forward the projects progress.

Then, there were the many many times I would take time away from my office just to be available for Chris Corrales in order to facilitate the work only to find that he either didnt remember the appointment, or something came up.

I was to discover that all the time I was getting excuses for the interminable delays, Kitchen Medic was, in fact, taking on and prioritizing new clients while making excuses to me about the lack of effort on my behalf.

The people at Kitchen Medic seem so absolutely charming and sincere and on top of things and right there for you and so well meaning. It is so hard to fault them. But then, the client is the one stuck with the consequences.

Company: The Kitchen Medic Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 1306 E. Edinger Ave. Suite C
Phone: 7145684533
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